Chapter 4 - The Benefactor

Chapter 4 - The Benefactor

Governor Hoxis smiled at the admiral whilst admiring how his plan had come together so perfectly, the Dittakar had been easily tricked on the false information he provided that the Sejetharian Confederacy's navy was weakened and divided amongst its ranks causing their quick tempers and slow minds to act on their ambitions, with the terms delivered, should they be accepted, the Dittakars reduction of slipspace technology to civilian use only would allow the Qatari Theocracy to become the second most dominant military force in the galaxy now being able to out class and even out maneuver Dittakarian star ships. Though he did not stare at Secundus long it was enough for him to read into that Timaphon Hoxis was conspiring something which would deliver to the theocracy greater power, Secundus turns his gaze away from the governor and follows his comrade out of the chambers. Governor Hoxis who curses himself for catching the gaze of Secundus knowing already his dislike towards him due to the Dittakar attack on Issophon coming from his people's territory, notices the mess the Dittakar left behind in the chambers but paid no mind to it, he has almost gotten what he wanted and that was all that mattered. The data pads vibration on the table roused him from his flattering thoughts and skimmed through to find what had caused it, a notification slid down which informed him that the Yndar science facility has made another breakthrough in gathering safe access to jumpdrive technology but considerable progress was still to be made. This research at the Yndar science facility has been kept secret from the galactic community for the past 7 months with only those in high ranking positions such as Timaphon Hoxis knowing about the program's existence, the test in the outer rim systems so far have produced a faint but noticeable Galactic Power surge with the scientists having no explanation for this event as nothing like it had ever occurred. "Pure paranoia" Governor Hoxis said unconcerned with the results gained remaining focused only on what mattered to him. Governor Hoxis placed the data pad back down on the table where he retrieved it from and proceeded towards his private chambers located not far from the conference room, the close proximity of his private chambers made sure that he had easy access to both locations where he performed his tasks. Whilst making way towards his chambers he made a quick glance towards the rear exit and managed to catch a quick glimpse of the 3 admirals entering the elevator and once they turned around caught the gaze of Secundus once more who looked at him suspiciously knowing that he is hiding something, Timaphon quickly moved his gaze away from the admiral and continued towards his destination, in front of the entrance was a keypad he kept for security reasons that would open the doors once the correct code has been verified.

Timaphon punched in the correct code so fast that anyone looking closely would not be able to guess the entry code, the doors opened to reveal a vibrant and darkened room, one much different to the well lit and white coloured conference chamber, the governor walked towards his desk where he opened the top compartment to retrieve a blue cube with a round button at the base that once pressed caused two sides of the cube to detach and form a square at the bottom to reveal a hologram projector, Timaphon activated it with an inquisitive expression as he was about to receive a personal holo meeting with the leader of the Qatari Theocracy, Patriarch Q'ono. Immediately after activating the holocube a blue figure phased into existence, rising from the projectors surface "Governor Hoxis" the Patriarch said noting his presence "I trust that negotiations between the Dittakar and Sejatharians are proceeding successfully?" "Yes Patriarch Q'ono, an agreement has been made and the Dittakar are consulting the agreed upon terms with the hegemon to inform him of the terms delivered, once this has concluded we can proceed with the revelation of the jump drive research to the Dittakar Hegemony" "Excellent, with this we can come one step closer to dismantling the Sejatharian Confederacy, once negotiations have finished successfully you must proceed with revealing the research to the Dittakar, for a hefty price of course, make sure this is completed successfully and away from the public eye. I entrust you to this task Governor Hoxis, do not fail me" "It shall be done Patriarch Q'ono" with this said the Patriarchs hologram was sucked back into the projector as if consuming it and transitioned back into its previous cube form once more, the governor glanced away as he placed the device back into the desk compartment and smiled to himself as he seated himself awaiting news from the Dittakar.