Chapter 6 - Alternative

Chapter 6 - Alternative

With a peaceful resolution to the conflict achieved the three admirals rose and proceeded towards the exit in a well mannered posture, satisfied with what has been achieved they speak amongst themselves in a volume that only themselves can hear "It is done" Duros says to Secundus facing his head towards him whilst grimacing a smile, "Yes, looking forward to returning to our ordinary duties, enough peace brokering for one day", the Grand Admiral besides them did not speak but bore a stern look on his face as if the day would bring him into more political situations, though this being a part of the role, Callus was more suited to military and strategic situations in which he could bring himself fully into focus despite only serving as Grand Admiral for 4 years, his eyes shifted towards the ground he now walked across and turned towards the two admirals and focused his view on Admiral Secundus "Admiral Secundus, as soon as we have left this planet your orders are to return to your fleet at the capital world Medhlan from there you are to oversee the repairs that are required to reinvigorate your fleet, as for you Admiral Duros your forces suffered the lightest losses over Issophon therefore you will remain there to have your fleet temporarily act as a security force until Admiral Secundus's fleet has returned from Medhlan" With this said the Grand Admiral turned around and walked ahead of the two in a quickened pace indicating that he is eager to get off world, the two Admirals had nodded in acknowledgement at their superior and walked alongside one another until they had left the complex, the duo proceeded to return to the transport center from which they would journey back to the shuttle now waiting for them at the east landing pad, whilst pacing towards the center Secundus turns his head around over his shoulder taking one last view of the governmental plaza and says to his friend "The Dittakar haven't left yet, Hoxis is up to something, the way he looked at me guarantees it" Duros takes this in, throwning in suspicion as he joins his friend in on his thoughts and walk beside one another towards the transport center.

"How did you attain this technology?" says a surprised Tacitus asking the governor who stood before him about the offer he has just received "That is of no importance, but what I do believe is of importance is that we immediately reinstate your fleets capabilities for interstellar travel, the Sejatharians did not state about this method of travel being prohibited for your militaries use other than the slipspace drives, this new warp drive technology will allow your hegemony to retain your military prowess in the galaxy as well as further cementing Dittakar and Qatari ties" Governor Hoxis says whilst making multiple gestures with his hands as if it assists him in communication. The commander looks behind him at Veeru who now stood leaning against the wall with his arms crossed to receive an inaudible opinion from his close friend who smiles and nods his head indicating his approval of the Qataris offer, Tacitus turns his gaze back towards the governor who stood with a satisfied expression as he held his hand out to grasp the governors "Your offer is accepted with utmost appreciation on the Hegemons behalf" After releasing his grasp on Timaphons hand he turns back around towards his compatriot to make towards the exit eager to implement the new warp drives they will be receiving.

Veeru walks up next to the commander and speaks to him "A satisfying alternative commander, any further orders?" Tacitus without taking a glimpse at his friend keeping his gaze forwards in an upwards manner says "We need to rejoin our fleet and prepare a refit of all ships under the Hegemons command as well as our own" Veeru still frustrated by the signing of the treaty allows a smile to breakout across his face whilst him and the Commander journey out towards their destination.