Chapter 7 - Ecumenopolis

Chapter 7 - Ecumenopolis

Admiral Secundus, along with Admiral Duros stepped inside the transport complex now proceeding towards the East Landing pad, Duros seemed pleased that he would be returning to Issophon as he is unwilling to let it remain unguarded whilst Secundus is absent who still bears a look of concern and curiosity on his face indicating that the governor behaviour had not yet left his thoughts, "Secundus" Said Duros Truut looking at him whilst maintaining his pace, "You need to relax, forget about Hoxis for now, remember your assignment at Medhlan, for this Qatari to cloud your thoughts is unnecessary and could prove dangerous if they continue" Secundus, surprised by his friends advice immediately changes his expression to one of acceptance, realising that Duros is right "I know, just with recent events i'm unwilling to let my guard down or shift aside my suspicions, but from here on now Medhlan is my priority". They had not halted their pace once in their exchange and had arrived at the East Landing pad seeing their familiar pilot resting against the entry chamber looking in the Admiral's direction immediately posturing himself in salute as Secundus and Duros approach him, "Is the ship prepared for launch major?" Secundus inquires, eager to get off world, "Yes sir, take off shall proceed as soon as you have all boarded" "Very good, security begin boarding the ship" Secundus watched as the security detail went aboard the ship along with the pilot now placing himself within the cockpit preparing to initiate the hover sequence before firing the main thrusters. Secundus turned his gaze towards the vast and beautiful scenery of Resphalt wanting to engrave the beauty and experience the fresh sensation of it once more. Duros had already boarded and looked out at Secundus "Admiral Secundus? You've got a fleet to repair, besides wanting to remain here any longer will cost you more than you make in a year" Secundus couldn't help but laugh at his friends statement, Resphalt was a world for the wealthy and powerful and began to make his stomach churn as he the thoughts of politics once again entered his mind convincing him that he would rather return to military matters and steps into the shuttle seating himself in the same section as last and closed his eyes to get a small amount of respite before overseeing his duties on Medhlan. Admiral Duros would be the first to depart at Issophon before the shuttle makes its final stop at the Medhlan orbital drop center above the Ecumenopolis allowing Secundus to get a small amount of rest. Secundus fell into slumber to the recognisable hum of the warp drive initiating, Resphalt was about to be left behind with Governor Hoxis remaining and with this thought entering his mind greatly pleased him as he drifted off into peaceful rest.

The hum of the warp stopped, awakening Secundus who senses that they have arrived back at Issophon, Secundus looked at Duros who now raised himself from his seat and looked at his friend "Back where we started, I hope we see each other once more" Duros spoke this to the admiral as he stood grasping the hand rail whilst the shuttle went through docking procedure allowing the hangar bay to now open and reveal the familiar sight of the Issophon space elevator now fully repaired since their journey to Resphalt. Admiral Secundus walked towards Duros stretching his scaled fore arm out towards him who returned the movement and initiating a hand shake between both admirals, "Enjoy the capital" Duros said to Secundus who grimaces a somber smile "Don't destroy the planet while im gone" Duros laughs upon hearing his sarcasm "I'll do my best, farewell Admiral Secundus" "And to you Admiral Duros" with this said Duros turned away from his friend and stepped out of the shuttle. Secundus remained standing in front of the hangar as it retracted back towards the shuttle whilst Duros walked off to the command center disappearing from Secundus's sight.

Secundus felt the ship drop out of slipspace 5 days later hearing the familiar hum of the ships drive as it began the wind down process, the admiral took a moment to witness the graceful passage of a Sejatharian cruiser thunder past them, the ship was shaped like a needle with multiple crossing over its surface forming an exo skeleton like structure that bore multiple ballistic missile silos whilst the needle shaped hull wielded a massive fusion beam that was able to punch through any form of shielding. Secundus gazed proudly at the cruiser, though not a part of his own fleet as this ship belonged to the Medhlan home fleet with a strict purpose to hold the capital, consisting of over 8,000 ships commandeered by 15,360,000 personnel. Secundus witnessed it leading a routine patrol on the systems outskirts alongside many more capital ships within his view as they looked to the defence of the violet purple void.

Medhlan could be seen as just micro object from their distance, though it would take 2-3 days to finally arrive Secundus could not prevent himself from marveling at the beauty of the Ecumenopolis even barely seeing it from such a distance he felt an immediate sense of wonder overcome him. His gaze remained fixed upon what almost looked like a celestial being whilst the shuttles thrusters fired up beneath the ship causing Secundus to slightly stumble from the rumbling of the ship and took one last look at the capital world with an expression of excitement as he seated himself back into seat whilst the shuttle thundered past hundreds more cruisers and smaller ships that now entered sight, these smaller ships bore a molluscoid like design with many fins protruding out the back presenting a luminescent blue flame propelling the versatile vessel forwards, they bore a needle like appearance, efficient for interstellar travel. Fusing his mind to these thoughts caused a sudden rush of fatigue to overcome him forcing himself to surrender once more to rest, the journey is not long to be finished.