Chapter 8 - Recuperation

Chapter 8 - Recuperation

The manifest placed before the admiral contained a long list of names, all those of the vessels laid to waste during the Battle of Issophon, Secundus skimmed his eyes over the list as he held it one handed whilst the other became occupied with the task of marking down the estimated time of recovery for the support fleet of Secundus.

Though with many vessels placed under his command the loss of 250 ships included many experienced and top of the line vessels. Upon completing his estimation Secundus arose from the desk he had placed himself at in his own private quarters of the senate building located within Ractus square, the centre of all political activity within the confederacy and the largest attraction on medhlan due to the scale of personnel employed within its premises. Secundus took 2 steps towards the window behind his desk and looked longingly at the hive of activity before him as he looked down to see the statue of fairness, a metallic carving of a Sejatharian woman splitting a flower in half and gifting it to each of her children. This statues purpose serves to remind those in the upper ranks of the confederacy to always be fair in the rulings they serve and the orders they bestow upon others.

A knock at the door to the admirals chambers took his attention away from the bustling city center viewed externally from his window as he turned around to face the door "Enter" he spoke followed by the door verifying the admirals voice and then a hiss as the door slid to the side allowing the individual in who looked comfortably at the admiral and spoke with an almost divine voice "The Defence Committee are ready to speak with you now admiral, if you are prepared to relocate to the auditorium then please allow me to escort you without trouble" Secundus sighed tiresomely as he confirmed his green status with a nod at the servant who then stretched out his hand at the door signifying the time to exit his chambers.

Throughout his journey to the auditorium Secundus remained silent, with the only active thoughts of his being those that took the form of nervousness as he braced himself to step forth into the center of a room with a capacity of containing at least 65,000 spectators. As the entrance to the auditorium hissed open Secundus straightened his posture and took one brief view into the chambers, the hall was darkened all around with oval like chairs numbering in their thousands spread out across the room with multiple rows placed atop one another, each chair holding the space for at least 3 individuals, Secundus felt unease overcome him as he viewed each to be filled to capacity whilst turning his gaze with haste towards the center where his own podium stood just in front of the committee who he could see placed behind their own desk that curved at each end.

Secundus began to walk to the podium as the auditorium remained in utter silence whilst the defence committee looked sternly and eagerly at the admiral as he took his stance behind the podium, raising his head and clasping his hands behind his back.