

That really hurt.... and right now I feel as if I drunk 30 beers mixed with vodka.

It looks like I am once again in the tube.... dammit I cant even open my eyes.

«Sir, his heart rate sped up. His awake!»

I froze. Oh no.. I forgot I was captured.... no kidnapped by some scary soldiers. OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO DIE. BUHUUUU. Apparently that translates to a lot of bubble.

« Sir, his heart rate increased even more!»

«Don't be afraid son you are in good hands»

Good hands my foot, this guy is going to tell me he did me a favour

«Now, now I can understand your confusion as you probably can't remember much but for starters could you open your eyes, so we could establish a basic way of communication? John please eject him with with a E-2 »

Oh boy, here we go. I tried to open my eyes but I felt really sleepy, that is until that drug took effect. Then it was like I was given a fine slap. Very effective.

When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in an even bigger tube surrounded by more machines and cables. By the way this time I was in the center of the room and all around me were guards. Right in front of me was a platform with some workers on computers and in the middle of them, was a man 1,90 in height, golden hair and blue eyes looking at me a little bored.

«Good. Very good. We can finaly talk. My name is Eric and yours once was Sheng, but that really doesn't matter anynore. You exchanged your previous life, name and memories in order to become something far greater than human!»

LIES. All lies.

Seemingly sensing my displeasure he added while smiling « Ok you did it to find a job, but that is practicly the same thing....»

HEY! I am the one with the bad jokes here!

« Ok, jokes aside I would like to officially welcome you to our family of {Athena}! The lovable corporation that gave you this chance, with maybe some not some legal means but hey.. it worked. Our purpose is to establish order to this world and we want you to be part of it»

Ok.... not really many options

« But before we sign another contract let me explain everything to you. Legally you are employed to offer your bodyguard services to the company and we can supply you with a little something to help you. In this case monster hormones! I know, please restrain you rising excitement and let me finish.

Now, now although this is a dream job, some weird people still want to quit. In that case you can return to your previous life with no problems»!

«Please be informed that all family members believe that you willingly traveled to another country and will misssing for a long time,and that the company doesn't like to leave loose ends»

«On the other hand if you cooperate with us we will unlock some of your genes to transform you to a totaly cool monster!

And if that isn't enough for you, you will be able to socialize in a healthy competitive environment with people that have the same condition as you and choose a branch that you want to work under. For example the combat branch! This branch is responsible for fighting in the front lines.

And please don't forget that you will ne paid handsomely for your services! So what do you say?»

«Blink twice if you agree»

Wow.. that is a lot to take in. I really wish I had more time to consider this but I really can't think I can reject this company. it is either death or be transformed into a giant monster and lose your old life. Both are really tempting.

Sigh. I wonder if my family would recognize me.

Damn you mister, you got yourself a deal.

I blinked 2 twice while glaring qt him

« Excellent. Truly marvelous. It would have been really awkward not having your consent..... »

« Now let's get started, shall we? »

It was a that moment that I realized I had made a deal with the devil....