The arrival of the Sound!

"WWHHOOOOAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" The crowd went crazy over the result of the first match.


"The Leaf ninjas sure are good!" Rasa commented.

"The sand is no less!" Hiruzen also commented.

Back in the waiting room…

Shikamaru freaked out.

"Damn it!"

"My match is the next one after this…" Shikamaru complained following which he turned towards Temari and Dosu who were standing about a meter away from him.

"Hmph!" Temari smirked,


She sent a huge gust of wind throughout the stadium with her huge fan.

*Sound of whirlwind echoes throughout the stage.*

("I see, that's why my weapons lost their effect in that battle…") Temari stared with awe at the colossal fan Temari was standing on…

("Damn it!")

("I am doomed if I have to face her on the next match!") Sakura thought upon seeing Temari fly on her fan towards the field.

"Hmph!" Dosu smirked following which he jumped to the ground from the waiting room and strolled towards the battlefield filled with winds.

("Just you watch Orochimaru-sama!")

("I will defeat her and the others in this battlefield and fight against the vessel you desire so much…") Dosu thought as he stared at Rasa.

("Why is that boy staring at me?") Rasa had an expression of a question mark.

Hiruzen did not mind, as his mind was busy with searching for the possible place Orochimaru would pop out of.

*Sound of footsteps*

Dosu walked towards Genma and stood right next to him to face Temari.

"Are you both ready?" Genma asked.

"Mm!" Dosu and Temari nodded.

"All Right!"

"The Next match…"

"Dosu of the Hidden Sound Vs. Temari of the Hidden Sand!"



Back in the underground hall entrance…

Sasuke stared at the scene in front of him.

"What the hell is this?" Sasuke asked in an angry voice that contained hints of uneasiness.

Naruto looked at Sasuke.


"This is what the villages are going to face in the Fourth Ninja world war," Naruto said.

("What?") Sasuke immediately turned to look at Naruto, only to see him with a resolute look on his face.

Sasuke's expression twisted a bit.

No matter how much Naruto's words seemed impossible before, he agreed to it because some of Naruto's actions and the events that played out did match to what Naruto said…

But the scene of the hundred thousand armies of white zetsus tossed out every single doubt Sasuke had on Naruto.


"These Zetsus were quite the pesky ones…"

"However, when compared to the battles that took place during the ninja war…"

"These zetsus barely compensated for about ten percent of the destruction, under the pretext that I was able to help of course," Naruto said.

Naruto was one who never praised his own achievements in front of the sacrifices that others had done in order to face the war.

There were a lot of casualties in the war…

Many died including Neji.

Many people were disabled after the battle, Gai-sensei was an example.

Many lost their loved ones including the destruction of a few remote villages and towns from the random blasts of the Jūbi, especially the last one which took out the HQ.

"How much power do those things possess?" Sasuke asked.

"They have an average power of a normal chūnin I suppose," Naruto said.

"Huh?" Sasuke was stunned.

The two were currently Genin, but these zetsus were as strong as regular Chūnins…

"That's not the worst part." Naruto suddenly interrupted.

"There's more?" Sasuke gulped.


"These zetsus can use basic wood style and can perfectly transform into any person it touches, perfectly imitating their chakra signature."

"They are very observant to the point of emulating emotions a person would express especially their weakness and quirks," Naruto said.

Sasuke gulped once again.

"No one could distinguish between them…"

"Sensory ninjas and Byakugan users were rendered useless," Naruto said.

"So, how did everyone deal with this army?" Sasuke asked.

"That's where I came in" Naruto pointed towards himself.

"I as the nine-tails Jinchūriki used my senses to find out the negative emotions that were in these zetsus and used it against them," Naruto said.

"But you alone against this entire army?" Sasuke asked.

"Not entirely alone."

"I dealt with more than half by sending thousands of shadow clones across the lands. Meanwhile, others had to face the zetsus all by themselves, putting their friendship and relationships to the test." Naruto said.

Sasuke could imagine how much of a fierce battle it was.


"The reason I brought you here was to tell you…"

"It does not matter if you feel the desire to gain power because it may be natural for you right now."

"However, there is a bigger picture at play."

"and I can't check up on you, every hour to make sure someone like Orochimaru does not tempt you with power," Naruto said.

Sasuke thought back to Itachi's words yet again from that tragic night.

("I have already achieved the three tomoe level.")

("Is it enough to stand against the Mangekyo Sharingan?") Sasuke thought.

"Speaking of power…" Naruto looked towards Sasuke.


"Do you use that Sharingan of yours to read the characters hidden on the different layers of the tablet in that Nakano Shrine?" Naruto asked.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" Sasuke asked in an angry voice.

"…" Naruto stared at Sasuke.

Sasuke realized it was stupid to ask after all; Naruto had come from the future…

Nakano Shrine, a.k.a Shintō Shrine of Southern Joy was located in Uchiha District and was the home to the clan's patron deity. In the main hall, beneath the seventh tatami mat from the far right, is a secret meeting place of the Uchiha clan. A stone monument stood in that place which contained the clan's secrets and can only be read with specific dōjutsu.

"The message gets clearer the more your Sharingan progresses, However…" Naruto paused.

"However?" Sasuke asked.

"They are not the exact messages of the Sage of six paths," Naruto said.

"The sage of six paths, huh.." Sasuke was surprised to hear his existence once again, after the explanation from Naruto back in the forest…

"There were changes made on the tablet to make powerful Uchihas, particularly the ones with better Sharingans to mistake the message that was written inside, especially how it led to being misinterpreted by Madara and led him to fight against Hashirama."

"These changes were done by the black Zetsu to revive his mother (or so he says..) should the divine tree be revived again," Naruto said.

Sasuke was feeling a bit dizzy hearing one revelation after another.


"This is a bit too much to take in right now."

"I want to hear things clearly from you after the Chuunin Exams because right now we are extremely short on time."

"With Orochimaru attacking the village and the Chuunin exams going on…" Sasuke said.

"All right!" Naruto nodded following which they left the underground hall.

Soon the two approached an empty spot in the forest and set up a place to sit down; meanwhile, Sasuke kept thinking over the words Naruto just said.


Few meters away from the Hidden Leaf Village gates…

Orochimaru stared at the Peaceful village sight that was void of people.

"As expected, he wasted no time in evacuating them all…" Orochimaru murmured.


A massive gust of wind picked up.

"Orochimaru-sama!!" Hundreds of people called out his name with respect.

Orochimaru turned back to see about two hundred Chuunin level ninjas with the same uniform and five people, (four in sound ninja outfit and a kid with orange hair in off-white half pant and shirt).

He moved his eyesight to Kabuto and Kimimaro who stood by his side.



"Both of you stay here and help these people to break the barrier that surrounds the village!" Orochimaru ordered.

"Yes!" Kabuto and Kimimaro responded.

Kabuto walked towards the two hundred ninjas meanwhile Kimimaro stared at the five figures in front of Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru-sama!" The four bowed down once again, with the exception of the little boy.

"Sakon!" (The one with twin heads and blue hair)

"Jirōbō!" (The fatty)

"Kidōmaru!" (The man with the six arms)

"Tayuya!" (The pink haired girl with a flute)

Orochimaru called out their names one by one.

"Recover here for a while until Kabuto tells you to head towards the arena "

"I want you four to be ready with the barrier jutsu by the time Kabuto launches the signal," Orochimaru said.


"Orochimaru-sama!" The four bowed.

"Hmph!" Orochimaru smirked following which he walked towards the short boy with Orange hair who had birds sitting down on his arms.

The boy continued to smile innocently as he stared at the birds in his arm.

"You!" Tayuya became angry following which she took out her flute and swiped it at one of the birds.

*SCREEEE!!!!!* The bird cried out in a high pitched voice while simultaneously turning into a bloodied meat paste with broken bones as it landed on a nearby tree.

"…" The orange haired boy stared in dead silence.

The people around including the creatures from earlier that surrounded him suddenly fled away from the boy.


Thick killing intent permeated the atmosphere following the rapid transformation of the boy into a man-beast like appearance.


"I"LL SCREW YER ASS A HUNDRED TIMES OVER!!!!!!" The half beast- half man, shouted in anger as he ran towards Tayuya.

("Oh Shit!") Tayuya raised her flute in defense.

"Heh!" Jirōbō was a bit happy at seeing Tayuya get the fright of her life.

"JŪGO!" Kimimaro instantly appeared in front of the Orange haired Man-beast with a colossal spear made of bone.
