Girls Vs Boys; Laziness is the mother of the strategist!


Dosu sent a blast of sound wave towards Temari.


< First Star! >

Temari unleashed her enormous fan at Dosa's sound wave attack.


The attack canceled off each other…


Dosu ran towards Temari at full speed.


"Courting Death!" Temari opened her fan till two purple circles were visible.

< Second Star! >


A massive gust of wind sent Dosu flying away towards the wall.


Dosu got imprinted onto the wall.

"ARGH!" Dosu grunted a bit.

Temari had a smirk up her face, seeing that her attacks were working perfectly.

"AH!" Temari suddenly lost the grip on her knees and kneeled onto the floor with her head ringing.

("IMPOSSIBLE!") Temari screamed in her mind.

Dosu got up from the depression in the wall and strolled towards Temari.

"You!" Temari looked at Dosu with wide open eyes. However, she was only barely able to see since she was suffering from a severe headache.

"You are wondering what happened, aren't you?" Dosu stared at Temari who was on the floor.

"Bastard!" Temari cursed him.


"I am not surprised!"

"All I did was amplify the sound waves on the spot where I had landed and had it all converge towards your ears." Dosu explained.

("I see…") Genma thought as he stared at Dosu.

"You bandaged monkey!" Temari sprang up from the ground.

< Third Star! > Temari unleashed her fan at Dosu once again, but this time she sent him up!

("WHAT!") Dosu was shocked by how he was easily countered.


("As long as sound has a medium through which it can travel…")

("There's nothing you can do to stop me!") Dosu thought as he aimed his gauntlet which was on his right hand towards Temari.

"Hmph!" Temari stared at Dosu with contempt across her eyes following which she bit her finger and drew her blood over its surface!

< Summoning - Blade Dance! >

A white panther was summoned along with the scythe, which flew towards Dosu and slashed a huge bloody gash over his body!

"AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" Dosu groaned in pain as he flew away.


The summoned animal disappeared which was followed by the calming down of the winds as well.

Genma walked over to see Dosu losing a lot of blood, meanwhile Temari also half kneeled on the ground with blood coming out of her ear.

"Since the other party is unable to continue battling, the winner of the second battle is Temari of the Hidden Sand!" Genma announced.

"WWHHOOOOAAHHHHH!!!!!!!" The crowd found the result hard to believe.

"The sound guy was no match for her." A man amongst the crowd said.


"She had a tough time facing one of his moves from earlier!" Another person argued.

("My Daughter had it tough!") Rasa thought as he stared at Temari barely maintain her steps as she walked away from the battlefield.

("This is bad!")

("Those two brats haven't appeared yet!")

("Should I use the kunai that Naruto gave me?") Hiruzen thought, following which he shook his head in declination of the idea.

("No, I must reserve it for that battle against Orochimaru, just in case!") Hiruzen thought.

Genma turned towards the waiting room's direction.

"The Next two contestants please step onto the field!" Genma said.


"WE WANT UCHIHA VS THE SAND!" a man shouted.

"HE"S RIGHT!" Another man supported.

"WE WANT TO SEE THE HYUUGA AS WELL!" Another person shouted.

"that match?"

"Wouldn't the hyūga win?" A person sitting amongst the audience asked.

"There's also the possibility of that boy Naruto to win!"

"After all its the battle between the No.1 Rookies of the previous year and the current one!" The person sitting next to the man said.

("Why does it always have to be a girl damn it!") Shikamaru cursed his luck.

("First that girl from the sound village, then Sakura and now this one from the Sand…")

("It's such drag…") Shikamaru thought as he looked towards the clouds.

("It's my turn") Sakura turned towards the staircase.

However, before she continued she turned to look at Shikamaru who seemingly had no interest in the battle whatsoever.

"SHIKAMARU!!" Sakura called out.

"Huh?" Shikamaru looked at her, but all he could see was the dance of a headache in front of his face.

"It's our turn to battle!" Sakura mentioned.

"I hear ya." Shikamaru planted his pinky into his ear to clean.

("THIS BOY!!") Sakura wanted to crush him in anger.

"Hmph!" Sakura turned around and marched off to the field.


Back at the entrance of the village…


Jūgo's fist struck The bone spear that Kimimaro held against him.

"Kimimaro…" The frenzied Jūgo calmed down once he saw Kimimaro.

"Hold back for now Jūgo."

"Remember, we are here to help Orochimaru-sama achieve his objectives," Kimimaro said.

Jūgo's expression slowly relieved, returning back to a normal kid.

Jūgo looked towards the smashed bird, following which he immediately turned away from the carnage with his eyes closed.

"I understand…" Jūgo said slowly as he turned towards Orochimaru with hesitation across his face.

"Good!" Orochimaru commented following which he walked over to Kimimaro and bent down to speak close to his ears.

"Make sure he turns back to that form when the time is right!" Orochimaru ordered.

"Mm!" Kimimaro accepted.


Orochimaru flew towards the direction of the Chuunin Exam stadium.

About ten ninjas sat down in a formation,

The remaining one hundred ninety ninjas reached into their pockets and pulled out a pill.

The ninjas looked at each other, following which they popped the pills into their mouth.

*Sounds of Chewing*


All the sound ninjas gulped down the pill at the same time…


Chakra started to fill the atmosphere around the ninjas.

"NOW" a ninja in the lead shouted, following which the one hundred ninety ninjas poured their chakra into a formation to gather it into one big pool of chakra…


The scene changes to three ninjas standing on top of a building, almost a kilometer from the village gates.

The trio was the Ino-Shika-Chou team…


A special jounin landed next to them…


"Orochimaru is here!"

"He had two ninjas with him, one of them wore the ANBU Black Ops outfit (author's note - KABUTO) and the other a white-haired boy…"

"Two hundred sound ninjas are sitting in a formation."

"Five more ninjas aside from the two hundred of which four wear a particular uniform and a kid with orange hair." The man reported.


"Inform the other teams to position themselves in a defensive formation against a possible frontal attack!" Shikaku said.

"Yes!" The man accepted and vanished from the spot to inform the other teams.

"Time to battle huh?" Inoichi walked towards Shikaku.

"There's no running away…" Shikaku murmured as he thought back to Shikamaru's words from the other day…

("Shikamaru, I don't know why you are involved, but as long as you are aware, I am sure you will keep yourself safe.") Shikaku thought as he vaguely looked towards the direction where the stadium was…


"Such a drag…" Shikamaru murmured as he stepped onto the field…

"START THE DAMN BATTLE ALREADY!" A man amongst the crowd shouted.

("Easy for you to say!") Shikamaru looked towards the direction of the sound as he continued to approach the field lazily.


"Hurry Up!" Sakura shouted.

Shikamaru then turned to the front to see Sakura standing near Genma…


("I can only do my best to finish this quickly.") Shikamaru thought, following which he finally stood opposite to Sakura.

From the seating area, Asuma stared at Kurenai was standing at…

Kurenai also looked towards Asuma.

The two had expectations in this match, especially Asuma who wanted to see Sakura's performance from being Kurenai's Quasi disciple under Kakashi's Recommendation.

"Shikamaru is quite lazy…"

"But he also has his pride." Asuma murmured.

Ino stared at the two who were standing against each other.

("If I had won back then…")

("Will I be facing Shikamaru..?") Ino thought as she looked towards Sakura.


("Shikamaru had better teach her a lesson!") Ino thought following which she got up from her seat.



("INO PIG!") Sakura glared at Ino.

("Do I even have such a combo?")

"HOOOAAAHHH!" Shikamaru gave a big yawn at all the hot-bloodedness that was being channeled into him.

Genma looked at Shikamaru and Sakura…

"Are you both ready?" He asked.

"Mm!" The duo nodded.


