Erasing a trace (II)

"San, your flight is earlier than us! Get going now!"

The guy wearing all black clothes stands up a bit reluctantly and walks towards his companion who happens to be his leader's for the current mission.

"This is a grave mistake. We got the wrong lead. Trust me."

"And your evidence to support this?"

San remains silent.

"You are smart guy, but gut feelings alone don't justify it to be written down in explanation report for disobeying orders. And the order is absolute. Just follow it."

San grunted, dissatisfied with all this but acknowledge his superior instruction who already walk away and leaving him behind. Time is running short. But doing nothing and let the thing that bothers him slide just like that isn't his style. San glanced back and narrowed his eyes on Subway's restaurant that still within his vision...

Inside the restaurant, Malina going more frustrated by seconds. If Alex is just a mere acquaintance, she already left him eating dust when he ignores her plea to walk out immediately. But he already a family member albeit a new one. And anyone who she considers as a family must be protected at all cost!

Malina was hesitating to make a scene so Alex paid more attention to the "urgent feeling" she having right now to get away from this place. But this feeling doesn't have any source to be explained to Alex.

"Get out now!''

Huh? Who's the guy shouted at her? It just three of them inside here! Subway Alexander is still sleeping leaning on the wall. What the h*ll is going on?

The two men Alex has been concerned with from the beginning already moved away. And his heart that eases a bit after their disappearance getting tense again when Malian who has been tugging his sleeves going stiff and having a pale face.

"Move NOW!"

Alex was caught in surprise when Malina who still pale suddenly removes her hand from his sleeves and stand up wear her backpack and moved swiftly to his seat and pulling his arm to drag him out. She takes holds her luggage in her right hand and her left side still holding tight Alex's arm. He is not surprised about Malina action but it was the power of dragging him that enough to knock him over making him almost losing a balance when standing. And the smell that he once inhale a long time ago appears again just fleetingly before its gone.

But thanks to his physical fitness, he managed to balance his body on time and retrieve his luggage with his free hand and leaving behind the trolley they place earlier at the entrance door of Subway. His long legs already eating her pace and now he's leading the way. Instantly Malina releases her grasp and by instinct, both of their respective hands clasp together.

"Don't look back!"

This voice again. A manly voice, unrecognized but somehow it gives a familiar feeling. I look up and glanced at Alex's face that walking on my left side.

"Don't speak and keep walking forward."