Erasing a trace

Outside the premise of Subway, facing the direction table of Alexander and Malina, a three-seated wood bench has been occupied by two men. One of them wearing casual clothes looks truly absorb reading a newspaper. The other one wearing all black from head to toe and black cap hiding the scar that bears a claw scar scratch on his left eyes side.

Unlike his companion, he just sat crossing his hand and leaned against the wall with the cap pulled down a bit like he was catching a nap. But if one peeks very closely, the pair of eyes are not close at all but staring intensely at the Subway restaurant. He notices the weird phenomena as soon he and his companion sitting there. And his gut already has a strong sense that their target presence is nearby and probably inside the restaurant in front of them.

However his naked eyes denying his gut feeling because inside it, the restaurant is currently empty of customers and only a female staff busily wiping the table. Something fishy is going on here because some people already pass by even though they stop at the front and hesitating to enter the door.

Inside the restaurant, Malina getting more restless and Alex's face getting tenser while his eyes glued to the glass outside. Something is totally wrong here. She getting goosebumps all over. Nondescript or whatever feeling she feels right now "screaming" that they should get out of here in this instance!

The survival instinct that has been triggered, completely subdue her urge going to the restroom.

Incoming message beeping twice indicating two incoming messages on Alex's handphone. One of his corner of mouth curls slightly before frowning again when reading it. He totally ignoring Malina who keeps tugging his arm sleeves and almost dragging him to go outside.

The guy who still keeps reading a newspaper folded it after hearing the sound of an incoming message and right on time, a pair of the couple are walking pass them and towards to departure hall and it clearly seems that man holding two passports and other tickets.

A pale blonde hair woman with a bob hairstyle wearing blue jeans and white blouse who walk a few steps behind that couple make a sudden detour and walk closer to the two men who are still sitting on the bench.

"They think they are smart. But we are smarter. They change their destination and this is the ticket for three of us"

As soon she finished the words, she dropped two flight tickets on all black clothes guy before walking faster to catch the couple that already walks quite a distance from them. The man with a scar glance down at the ticket and passed one of them to his companion.

Readjusting his black cap, his eyes still watching the wall glass in the mirror of the restaurant in front of him. A few minutes intense staring broken up suddenly when his companion who already walked ahead turning back and shouted.

"Hey raise up your a*s already!"