Words - lots of them

A certain suspicious merchant was seen walking leisurely in the city of notan. Everyone who approached that merchant was ignored. Some players thought that to access the merchants wares they would need an item. That's the reason why many players would pass by holding quest related items. Unfortunately the merchant still ignored them. This continued for a couple of days before the players ignored the merchant.

This mysterious merchant is Peter, also known as Archie in the game. He is currently testing the ring artifact "lonely merchant". An artifact that lets him become a merchant without the need for class change. The description says that its a disguise ring but its more than that. If you add Archie's monster immunity and increased inventory space to this artifact then Archie can earn wealth easily.

Level zero gave him the status of a semi-tourist. That means he enjoys the privilege of tourist which is "not being attacked by monsters." This privilege allows him to go anywhere. As for the benefits of increased inventory, the reason is simple. Personal inventory only has 10 item slots. And these 10 item slots cannot stack any item. That's why if you want to buy more stuff you would definitely need an inventory bag. But using an inventory bag would incur taxes which is computed based on how many items are stored in it and how long it is stored.

One might ask "whats up with the taxes?. Why would using the inventory bag incur taxes?" Its all because the inventory bag has been used before to smuggle or hoard stuff. That's why a special rune is cast on each inventory bag. The runes effect is to let anyone peak at the contents of the inventory bag at will. The tax is to pay for that rune being applied to the inventory bag.

This means Archie doesn't have to pay tax because the current size of his inventory is 210 item slots. 200 of them being item slots that can stack items. Then add the merchant effect of the artifact which lets him sell to players the contents of his inventory. If that is the full effect of the merchant ring then it isnt really that different from simply trading. It just somewhat makes him able to trade with multiple players at once. The true benefit of the merchant ring is the ability to change or convert game-world and real-world currency. That means that Archie can exchange his coins into cash and vice versa. Something that should only be done on auction houses with a conversion tax of 5-10%. But the artifact will allow Archie to convert without incurring conversion tax.

Clearly the artifact would only bring good things. But why would Archie not use it? Why would he prance around and let everyone know that there is a merchant that isnt part of a caravan and can freely more around? That's because the artifact is clearly a cheat item. And why would the game owned by Alex the asshole give Archie a cheat item? There must be something wrong with it? So he needs to confirm?

The walk around the city without a purpose was simply designed to irritate people to the point that some random guy will report him as a bug. If the artifact is a bug then it would be simply taken or changed by the system. Although several days have passed there is still no system message and the artifact hasn't been changed one bit.


In a certain hotel room. A blond guy is lying facedown while being massaged by several beauties.

"Has the kid used the artifact,yet?" (Alex)

"No sir."

"Its been a week. Why isnt he using it yet?" (Alex)

"The artifact was perfect for someone that has discovered the benefits of an un-evolved Battle Alchemist Assistant Slime. Information about the benefits of an un-evolved Battle Alchemist Assistant Slime and other secrets to the game were to be given only to those with Grade S capsules that costs 50 million dollars each. But Peter aka Archie just lucked into gaining the benefit of an increased inventory when he was supposed to be suffering from a penalty. It's something that should not happen. Especially after considering the fact that there are only 50 such artifacts and 50 Grade S capsules." (Secretary Kim)

"You talk too much. Just say that we tried feeding poison to a rat and it became a cat." said Alex. "Don't worry he will bite soon."

"That's right sir. The minute that he uses the currency exchange function he will be earning real money. That would change his status from a player to a merchant. As a merchant he has to pay a minimum tax of $50,000 a month. That will continue even if he gives up the artifact. He may be able to earn that amount of money for a month or two using the artifact. But when the average level reaches 150, no even if its only 130 then his little advantage would be lost." (Secretary Kim)

"I cant wait to see it happen. He will learn that no matter how pathetic his life is, I can still make it worse." (Alex)


"So tell me why didn't you use ring? Isnt it just for disguise? Whats so bad about it?" Barry asked me while drinking beer.

"Theres nothing wrong with it. Its perfect."

"Then why?" (Barry)

Of course Barry would be confused. Why would I give up on this great opportunity to make money? I drank my beer and answered.

"Because I thought that with this artifact I can finally change my life."

"That's your reason? You don't want to be happy? You like being poor?" (BARRY)

"After I saw my life changing for the better...all I can think of is how is how to return tenfold every pain that I received." I picked up another beer and drank all of it in one go.

"Barry im sure you don't know but its easier to stop thinking about revenge when theres nothing you can do. Did you know that the minute I obtained that ring and understood what it can do, I cant stop thinking of getting even with everyone?"

"You cant forgive yet you cant even bear the thought of hurting people. Then all you have to do is to live."


"Quest update: 2/5 bugs

3 bugs reported

2 more bugs remaining

Reward: removal of penalty and 1 million dollars."

2 more bugs to go. Im really lucky that I spent several days walking around while wearing the ring. Many people reported the suspicious merchant and when nothing happened they talked about it in the forums. Im lucky that they wrote clearly what they said when they reported the merchant. Due to that I know that the effects of the artifact isnt a bug. It was intended that way. Its possible that this ring should only be available for Grade S capsules. The fact that I obtained it is the bug.