Chapter 8

5 am, the Torres cousins woke up early to witness the beautiful sunrise at the beach. Willa went to Andy's tent to wake up her. "Andy, wake up!" Willa said but frowned after seeing that no one was inside. Same with Chris as he opened the tent of Blake, he didn't found the guy. "Guys, here!" Mia said while pointing something in the sand. They slowly move towards Mia who was signaling them to be quite. They all had a furrowed forehead but wearing a grin.

Lying at the sand were Blake and Andy. Beside them were Max and Molly. When the two dogs felt that they were surrounded by people, they barked but when they saw the familiar faces, wagged their tails.

Blake's arm was still under the head of Andy while his other arm was wrapped on her waist. Andy's face was on Blake's chest while one of her hands was also on Blake's waist. "Andy..." Willa said softly. "Hmmmm..." Andy replied that made Willa giggled. "Andrea.." Liam repeated, he made his tones serious but he's grinning. When Andy heard Liam's voice, she immediately opened her eyes but wasn't able to get up because of Blake's hand. She looked at her cousins and blushed. "Blake.." Andy said patting his shoulders. Blake moved but instead of waking up, he hugged Andy tighter that made the latter blushed more. Andy pinched Blake. "Ouch! What the...." Blake wasn't able to finish his words because when he get up, eyes were looking at him. "Nothing happened." Blake said that made the group laughed.

After the sunrise, the staffs prepared their breakfast. Bacon, ham, hotdog and toast with coffee and milk. The Torres cousins noticed that Blake and Andy were much closer unlike before. Jessica was also there but Blake was with Andy all through out and made the latter irritated.

"Blake, wanna try our newest jet ski, it's the Yamaha Fx Cruiser Sho, the third fastest jet ski in the world." Jessica said with pride in her tone. But instead of answering Jessica's question, he faced Andy and said, "Wanna ride it?" Andy became excited and aswered quickly, "Yes! Yes!" Jessica mugged.

The Torres men together with Andy and Blake tried the jet skis while Willa and Mia tried snorkelling. They enjoyed the whole morning doing watersports.

After lunch, the group decided to go back to Blake's resort. They should prepare themselves in going back to the city. Their two days rest is almost over. Tomorrow will be a rollercoaster ride again for they will return to reality, the toxic world of their businesses.

"Morning!" Andy said to her staffs. "Morning, Manager Andy, welcome back!" The staffs said altogether. "How was Bona Fide the last two days?" Andy asked. "Nothing much, Manager. By the way, these were from Mr. Casper Flores and these from Mr. Jayden Villanueva." Olivia said giving her the flowers and the chocolates from her suitors. "Thank you. Emma, please..." Andy said. Her staffs knew where to put the flowers, in vases that will place on tables inside the private dining, and of course, the chocolates in their tummies.

Alexa proceeded to her office and arranged the paperworks on her table. Reservations, parties, and gatherings were the upcoming events of Bona Fide. "Oh my, a busy month as expected." She murmured.

After a while, her phone rang. It was Blake. "Morning, where are you?" Blake asked. "Morning, I'm here at Bona Fide, why?" Andy asked. "Nothing, just checking on you, see you later. Bye!" Blake said and ended the call. Andy was puzzled, "What's with that guy?" She said and continued browsing the informations of their events.

Andy's phone rang again. "Hello, Uncle." She said. "Im on my way there, a little late maybe because I have to pick up something from the store. The franchisee will be coming to settle the agreement between him and us. Be sure to entertain him well, ok?" Her Uncle Marc said that made Andy raised her brow because of the different tone used by her caller. "Do I know him?" Andy was curious. "Yes,bye!" And the call was ended.

Andy was busy thinking of who the franchisee was when someone knocked at her door. "Manager Andy!" Olivia said with romantic excitement in her tone. Andy smiled because of the reaction of Olivia. "There's someone looking for you. He's so handsome but he's so...cold." Olivia said. Andy furrowed her forehead, Casper and Jayden were jolly persons. The two were always wearing smiles and her staffs knew them. Maybe a client or her Uncle Marc's friend. "Let him come in." Andy said. "He said he wants to try our food so he's sitting on one of the table in the open kitchen." Olivia said. "Oh,ok, let's go." Andy said and both of the girls went out.

"Blake!?" Andy said surprised. "What are you doing here?" She continued. "I wanna see you and try Bona Fide's best seller." Blake said smiling. Olivia was behind Andy and saw Blake's smile, she froze. Andy saw Olivia's state and grinned. "Blake, this is Olivia, my assistant manager in our day shift." Andy said. "Hi!" Blake said. Olivia was waiting for the handshake but after greeting her, Blake's eyes was focused again to her manager's face. Olivia sighed.

"Liam said that one of your favourites was blueberry cheesecake so I bought one." Blake said giving the box to Andy. "Thank you!" Andy said while opening the box. "Wow! It looks delicious." Andy said while happily looking at the dessert. "By the way, why are you here?" Andy repeated her question a while ago. "I miss you." Blake said winking at Andy. "I miss you too but I'm sorry, these cake is more important than you." Andy said that made Blake laughed.

"Have you eaten?" Andy asked. "Not yet, I wanted to eat here with you." Blake answered. "What's with you, you've been teasing me since you're call a while ago." Andy said acting her angry squint. "Hahaha, you're really cute when you're annoyed." Blake said smiling. "Enough with your teasing. What do you want to eat?" Andy asked. "You choose for me." Blake said. "Ok! Noah, please give my handsome guest 1 Fried Japchae and 1 Yakitori. And a Macchiato for me." Andy said. "What's for your drink?" Andy continued. "A black coffee will do." Blaked answered.

While waiting for the food, Andy and Blake continued teasing each other. The staffs could here their laughters. With Casper or Jayden, they wouldn't hear Andy's giggling, it's either a smile or a grin.

Blake's food was served together with his coffee. Andy started to taste the cake. "Hmmmm,it's really delicious. I think I can eat the whole." Andy said and they continued eating.

"Hello there, I'm sorry, I'm late. Did my niece here entertain you well?" Uncle Marc asked looking at Blake. "Yes, Uncle! Even only looking at her beautiful face, Im very well entertained." Blake said looking at Alexa who was blushing. "Ok,then, let's proceed. My beautiful niece, meet our new franchisee, Mr. Blake Cortez." Uncle Marc said that made Andy's face shocked. "What!? You!?"