Chapter 9

"Yes!" Blake answered. "But why you didn't tell anything about it when we were on vacation?" Andy said. "Surprised!?" Blake said then winked at Alexa. Alexa hit Blake's shoulder and said, "You outwit me!" Blake laughed.

"Ok, enough with your lover's quarrel." Uncle Marc said seeing the closeness of the two. Andy just looked at her Uncle with furrowed forehead. Blake still wearing his smile.

"When do you plan to start pitching your restaurant?" Uncle Marc asked. "I found a site, maybe, Andy can accompany me, if she has time. "I'll be very busy the whole Saturdays and Sundays of the month. We can do it on weekdays." Andy said. "Same here, my assistants will swear on me if I'll leave them behind. What's with this month? Weddings and dates were flooding our schedules in Pofta Buna." Blake asked curiously. "For your information Mr. Naive Cortez, it's a love month." Andy said that made Blake scratched his head. "I'm sorry Ms. Little Torres, I'm very preoccupied with my job but don't worry, since I met you, I will be well informed of every month's celebrations." Blake said smiling. Uncle Marc was just smiling and listening to the two infront of him. Ever since they came back from their vacation, these two became close and he's seeing that there's more coming from the two.

Just what Blake and Andy said, they were very preoccupied with their events. They were not able to come with the monthly ride with the Torres cousins. They didn't even have time to discuss about the site seeing.

End of the love month. Andy was busy cleaning with her staff, when a Tomahawk arrived. Andy smiled when she saw who the rider was. "Welcome, Sir!" Andy said smiling. "Hi!" Blake said while giving a box to Andy. "What's this?" Andy said excitedly and opened the box. "Wow! Thank you. Come, let's sit." Andy said pulling Blake towards a table in the dispense bar. Blake smiled and looked at the hand of Andy holding him. He liked the feeling of the soft hands of her. "Noah, please make a macchiato for me and a mochachino for him." Andy said to her staff while getting a saucer and fork at the cutlery station. Andy brought out the sylvanas and sans rival from the box and without talking, she started to munched the sweets infront of her. Blake smiled when he saw how much Andy wanted the sweets he brought. "You're really a sweet tooth." Blake said. Andy nodded still enjoying eating. "I'm craving for these but don't have the time to buy. " Andy said. Their coffees were served.

"What brings you here?" Andy asked while sipping her coffee. "You're free tomorrow?" Blake asked. Andy nodded and said, "Why?" "Let's see the site." Blake said. "We'll leave early so we could go back in the afternoon." Blake continued. "Ok!" Andy replied. "I'll bring Viper." Andy said. "What about Max?" Blake asked. "I'll let him stay here." Andy said. "You want him stay with Molly?" Blake said. "Where?" Andy asked.

"At my house, they didn't see each other for a month. Maybe they're missing each other." Blake said smiling. "Ok!" Andy said.

"I'll let Ace fetch him before we leave." Blake said. They chatted a little before Blake decided to leave. "See you tomorrow." Blake said. "Ok, take care." Andy said while waiving goodbye.

After Blake left, Andy called her cousin, Chael. "Yes, little princess?" Chael said. "Cuz, can you please check Viper." Andy said. "And why?" "Im going out with Blake tomorrow." Andy said. "Really, you wasn't able to come with us last week and with Blake you have time." Chael said faking his sulkiness. "Come on cuz, it's about work and not leisure, ok?" Andy said explaining. "Work?" Chael said while preparing himself going to Andy's house. "Blake was the franchisee of Bona Fide and tomorrow, we will check the site where it will be built." Andy continued. "Hmmmm, ok." Chael said and started the engine of his Hayabusa.

Dawn. Andy heard the horn of Blake's Altitude outside. "Max, let's go." Andy called her dog and both went outside. "Morning!" Blake said smiling. "Morning." Andy said. "Max, behave, ok." Andy said while Max is going inside the Altitude. Max barked. "Ace, his Ziwipeak is inside, you only give him 3 scoops later. I'll be the one who'll feed him at night since were going home early." Andy said while giving Ace Max's bag. "Ok, ma'am." Ace replied. "Bye, Max, be good." Andy said before the car left. "Ready?" Blake asked. "Yeah." Andy answered. They both started their Tomahawk and left the place.

They stopped on a gas station to take an early breakfast. "What do you want?" Blake asked Andy. "A black coffee and a toast will do." Andy replied. Blake go inside the mini store and ordered. Not long, he go out holding the tray with their breakfast on it. "This is also the way that we passed through going to your resort, right?" Andy asked while Blake is placing the coffee and the toast infront of her. "Yeah, actually the site was within the area. Jessica said that there's a vacant slot near Marea good for business." Blake said that made Andy frowned hearing the name. Blake saw her reaction then smiled. "Why? Jealous!" Blake asked with a teasing tone. "In your dreams." Andy said and Blake laughed. After finishing their meal, they continued their trip.

Blake was infront and Andy was behind him. There were few motorcycles having their own road trips. Andy was focusing on her driving when suddenly a wild boar crossed the road. Andy was startled and because she doesn't want to hit the boar, she avoided it but the next thing, she crashed into another bike because she was on the other lane. Blake looked behind and he saw how Andy's small body fell down the road.

"Andy!" Blake shouted.