Chapter 10

Andy only had mild concussion and road rash because she's wearing her full gear. She was rushed to the nearest hospital and undergone complete tests. Blake immediately called Liam while they're on their way to the hospital. Liam informed the rest of the Torres including Andy's parents who just arrived from their trip. They all rushed going to Andy.

"Is she alright?" Blake asked the resident on duty (ROD). "Yes,her tests were all normal. When she wake up, she will experience body aches and nausea but that's normal." The doctor answered. "We already treated her wounds, all you have to do is put ointment so it will not leave scars. She'll wake up later this afternoon. You can give her porridge but if she will vomit, she'll be in NPO (non per orem - no food intake) for the next 8 hrs." The ROD continued. "Thank you doctor." Blake said. The doctor only nodded and move towards the door but before opening it, he looked back at Andy and smiled.

Blake sat on the side of the hospital bed. He looked at Andy intently. He hold her hand and whispered, "I'm sorry." He wasn't aware that he fell asleep holding Andy's hand.

After a while, the Torres clan arrived at the hospital. They proceeded to Andy's room after asking the nurse's station. The nurses and the staff were thrilled of the sudden appearance of handsome men and beautiful ladies at their hospital. It's unusual for their hospital to have visitors just like them.

Liam opened the door but the room was quite. One by one they entered the room. Andy and Blake were still sleeping. Andy begins to regain her consciousness and when she opened her eyes, she was shocked. Her dad and mom were there together with the Torres cousins. "How are you, sweetheart?" Her mom said with tears in her eyes. Before she could answer, she noticed the hand of Blake holding her. Her face softened. Blake slowly raised his head and he saw Andy's face. "Hey, are you ok?Does your body hurt? Is there anything you want to eat? I'm really sorry. I've should have coincided with you." Blake said continuously and not even noticed that they were not alone. "Ehem..!" Liam cleared his throat that made Blake surprised.

"Uncle, Auntie, this is Blake Cortez, nephew of Uncle Derek. He's also a rider." Liam said introducing Blake to Andy's parents. "Hello, Sir, Ma'am!" Blake said respectfully. "I'm really sorry for what happened." He continued. "So, you're Blake. Ive heard a lot about you from Mia and Willa while we're on our way here." Andy's mom said. Andy looked at her cousins but only both winked at her. "Don't worry, accidents do happen when you least expected." Andy's dad said. "Thank you, Sir." Blake said. "Stop the honorifics, you can call us Uncle and Auntie just as the rest do." Andy's mom said.

The NOD (nurse on duty) entered the room to check Andy's vital signs. She's feeling romantic excitement because she was the focused of the handsome men inside the room. After few minutes, "How is she?" Chael asked. "She's fine, Sir." The nurse answered. "She'll be discharged the day after tomorrow." The nurse continued." "Ahmm, can I eat?" Andy innocently asked. The room was filled with laughters.

"Why is it porridge only?" Andy pouting her lips. "The doctor said you're in a soft diet." Blaked explained while giving a spoon of porridge to her." Andy looked around and saw the meaningful stares while Blake froze.

Andy's dad was silently observing her daughter and Blake. It's his first time to see Blake but he's comfortable with him. Eventhough he didn't know what's the real score between them, he's hoping that there will be a good outcome.

"You want to transfer to other hospital near our place?" Andy's dad asked. He sat beside her daughter. "I'm ok here, dad. Besides, I'll be getting out of here the next day." Andy aswered. "But we have to home tonight, who will accompany you here?" Andy's dad said. "I can manage dad, don't worry." Andy aswered. "By the way, how's the other rider?" Andy asked. "Just like you, mild concussion and road rash. Thanks to your gears and your both safe." Nile said. "Wait! Where's my Viper?" Andy panicked remembering her Tomahawk. "Don't worry, your baby is in safe hands. I'll fix him and make him handsome again." Chael said smiling.

The Torres decided to go home early evening. They will comeback tomorrow to visit again Andy.

"Are you not going home?" Liam asked Blake when they were outside the room. "Nope, I will accompany Andy here." Blake said that made the group grinned. "Treat our little witch very well and don't sleep deeply, she might cast a spell on you." Marlou said teasing Blake. "I guessed it already started." Chris said teasing tone also. "I'm the one who's responsible for her accident, I should take care of her." Blake explained. "Ok, we're going. We'll be back tomorrow." Liam said and the group left.

"Why are you still here?" Andy asked when she saw Blake sitting on the couch. "I'll sleep here." Blake aswered. "You don't have too, I can manage and there are nurses and doctors too that will be here to attend my needs." Andy said. "I don't trust them especially the one who checked on you early this morning." Blake said that made Andy puzzled. "Huh? Who are you talking about?" Andy asked. "The ROD who treated your wounds." Blake said frowning. "He looked at you before he left." Blake continued. Andy laughed. "He's only looking at me and yet you already don't trust him?" Andy said still smiling. Blake kept quite. He saw that before the doctor went out of the room, he looked at Andy with admiration in his eyes. "It's better to be late than sorry." He said that made Andy giggled. Their conversation was cut off because the night shift nurse entered the room.