Chapter 11

12 midnight. Andy woke up because her stomach growled. "I'm hungry." She whispered. She saw Blake was in deep sleep. She don't want to wake him up because she knew he's tired. She's slowly standing up when suddenly she felt dizzy, and she knew she'll fall on the floor but before falling Blake caught. "What are you doing?" Blake asked while helping her back to bed. "I'm hungry." Andy said shyly. "Why didn't you call me." Blake asked. "I knew your tired, I don't want to disturb you." Andy said. "That's nonsense. What do you want?" Blaked said. "A coffee and a biscuit will do." Andy said. "Ok, I'll go outside. I saw a vending machine infront of the hospital. Don't you ever move again. The doctor said you'll feel dizzy because of the concussion." Blake said and Andy nodded.

After a while, Blake came back with two coffees and a sandwich. "Here, it's hot." Blake said. "Thank you." Andy said and started to eat.

Early morning, Andy's parents arrived. "Why don't you go home first so that you can rest and change." Andy's mom said to Blake. "You can come back later." She continued. "Yes, Auntie." Blake said.

"What can you say about Blake?" Andy's mom asked while peeling an orange for her daughter. "He's handsome." Andy said and giggled. Her mom laughed. "At first, he's really annoying but after our vacation I found out that he's happy to be with and caring." Andy said that made her dad smiled. "Is he courting you?" He dad asked. "Of course not, we're friends." Andy said. "But why are you blushing?" Her mom teasing her. "Mom!" Andy said that made her mom laughed.

"Excuse me, where can I find Andrea Torres's room." Casper asked to the information clerk. The clerk was bedazzled when she saw Casper. "Oh,it's room 1001." The clerk answered. "Thank you." Casper said and smiled that made the clerk dropped her jaw.

Blake hurriedly took a bath and change. He called his assistants and told them he'll come back tomorrow. He also called Ace and asked how's Molly and Max doing.

Before coming back to the hospital, Blake found a cake house and luckily, a blueberry cheesecake was available.

"I'm back." Blake said and move towards Andy's bed. "What's this?" Andy asked. "You're favourite." Blake said. He looked at Andy's parents and gave his respect but noticed Casper and furrowed his forehead. "Back already?" Andy's mom asked. "His resort was just around the corner." Andy said while munching her cake. "You have a resort here?" Andy's mom asked in excitement. "Yes Auntie, if you want you can stay there for a while." Blake said smiling. "And he's planning to built one Bona Fide here. It's the reason why where here because we'll look at the site but met an accident." Andy continued still enjoying eating. "Oh, really?" Andy's mom replied. "By the way, Blake, this is Casper." Andy said and both men only nodded to each other. "I called Ace and he told me that our "babies" were alright." Blake said seriously. Andy choked on her cake. "What!?" Andy said while coughing. Andy's parents were shocked as well as Casper. "Uncle, Auntie, I'll go ahead. Andy get well soon." Casper said and went out. Andy's parents were still shocked on the words Blake blurted. "I'm talking about Max and Molly." Blake said. Andy pinched Blake side while he's giving her water. Her parents laughed.

Their afternoon was filled with visitors. The Torres cousins came back together with the Torres oldies. Her Uncle Marc also visited. She wanted to come back the day after her discharge but her uncle disagreed. He gave her another week of rest.

"Can you walk?" Blake asked worriedly. "Of course! I wanted to get out of here." Andy said. Blake settled Andy's account at the cashier. She wanted to pay but Blake insisted.

They rode Blake's Altitude. "Let's see the site." Andy said. "We can do that when you're fully recovered." Blake said. "I'm fine and we will only look at it. We can stay here inside the car." Andy said. "You sure?" Blake asked. Andy nodded.

"If you will own a restaurant in the beach, how will it look like?" Blake asked Andy. They arrived at the site. It was a vacant lot in front of a beach. "Hmmm... I want an indoor and outdoor dining. The building itself must be made up of strong wood maybe mahogany and bamboo. The tables and chairs must also be made up wood. The indoor dining must be open so that customers will feel the ocean air and can see the ocean view. For the outdoor dining, a sand beach restaurant will do. It should cater buffet breakfast, a la carte lunch, and an appetising and balance dinner." Andy said continuously as if she's in a dream. Blake was attentively listening to her. "That's all?" Blake asked smiling. "Yeah, I guess. " Andy said. "Ok, let's go." Blake said and Andy nodded.

Andy fell asleep going back to the city. Blake drove straight to his house to fetch Max. "Wake up, sweetheart." Blake said. Andy slowly opened her eyes. She didn't clearly heard what Blake said. "We're here?" Andy said. "Yeah." Blake said smiling. "I'll get Max, you stay here." Blake said. Andy nodded.

When Max saw his master, he barked continuously. And when he's inside the car, he licked Andy's face. "Hello, baby. How are you? Andy said and Max only barked. He stayed on the lap on Andy though he's really big and heavy and the space infront of the car is a little congested. He missed Andy a lot.

When Blake came out, Molly was walking beside him. "Hi, Molly." Andy said that made Molly barked and wag her tail. "Is something wrong with Molly?" Andy said when she noticed that the dog is a bit different. "After two months, you'll be a granny." Blake said smiling. "What? Why?" Andy asked puzzled. "They did the dirty deed." Blake said. "What!?" Andy said and looked at Max. "You, bad dog!" Andy said but Max barked and showed a doggy smile. Blake laughed.