Chapter 13

Early morning, Blake was outside the old house of Mr. and Mrs. Torres. Eventhough, Andy allowed him to court her, still, he wanted to asked her parents permission.

After ringing the doorbell, Mrs. Torres came out. "Good morning Auntie!" Blake said while giving a basket of fruits to her. "Good morning, thank you for these. Come, let's go inside. Your Uncle is inside." Mrs. Torres said. "Darling, Blake is here." She continued. "Good morning, Uncle." Blake said. "Good morning. Please sit down." Mr Torres said. "I'll be leaving you two here, I'll prepare something." Mrs Torres said. She knew that it will be a man to man talk.

"How's the building of your restaurant?" Mr. Torres asked. "It's going smoothly, maybe, I can open it before September ends." Blake answered. "I see. It's the fourth, right?" Mr. Torres asked. "Yes, Uncle." Blake answered.

"What brings you here?" Mr. Torres asked breaking the silent atmosphere. Blake made a deep sigh. "Uncle, I wanna your permission. I want to court Andy." Blake said. Mr. Torres didn't answer immediately that made Blake perspired. Mrs. Torres went out of the kitchen carrying a tray with a coffee and biscuits. Blake helped her in putting it on the table. Mrs. Torres saw Blake's uneasiness so she decided to butt in. "Why Andy?" Mrs. Torres asked. She overheard what Blake have said. "To be honest, I'm really aloof with girls. I don't know what's the reason behind. The first time I saw Andy, she's different. She didn't try to get my attention. She even want to try her fighting skills with me, luckily, I avoided it." Blake said that made Andy's parents smiled. "We don't get along at first because I'm annoying her. She's really cute when she's angry. It was because of Max and Molly that we became close with each other." Blake continued. "I'll do my very best not to hurt Andy. I'll not let her cry. I will make her happy." Blake said. Mr. And Mrs. Torres looked at each other. They can see that Blake was being serious in asking their permission. Blake was the first from the suitors of Andy who showed them respect. "Ok!" Mr. Torres said while Mrs. Torres was smiling. "Thank you, Uncle and Auntie." Blake said happily.

Even with his busy schedules, Blake always fetched Andy from home going to Bona Fide and vice versa. If others will give Andy flowers and chocolates, he always brought her favourites.

Andy, on the other hand, enjoyed what Blake were doing. Even if she's tired of her hectic schedules, when she saw Blake, her tiredness disappears.

"Manager Andy, Jayden is outside." Mason said that made Andy sighed. Casper, after hearing the "our babies" while she's in the hospital, stopped wooing her. For Jayden, maybe, she can tell him frankly to stop.

"Hi, Andy!" Jayden said handling flowers and chocolates to her. "Hello!" Andy said thinking of how she should start the conversation. "How are you? I heard that you was hospitalised. I'm sorry, I was out of the country so I wasn't able to visit you." Jayden said. "Im fine. Its ok, I know your busy. It's not a big deal." Andy said.

Outside Bona Fide, Blake parked his car. Upon entering the open kitchen, he already saw Andy's back but he furrowed his forehead when he saw a guy talking to her. The guy wasn't familiar. "Another tiger ready to attack my prey." He whispered and devilishly smiled.

Andy and Jayden were busy talking about Jayden's travels when suddenly Blake kissed Andy's head. "Hi, Sweetheart, I'm sorry, I'm late. Pofta Buna was really jam packed so I wasn't able to leave early." Blake said while looking at Jayden's frozen face. Andy was startled because of the sudden kiss and the words of Blake. She wanted to give him an elbow strike but Blake immediately put his arms on her shoulder. "By the way, who is he, sweetheart?" Blake continued looking at Alexa then winked. Alexa had an idea and get along with the show of Blake. "Sweetheart, he's Jayden Villanueva, one of my friend." Andy said putting a hard tone on the word "friend".

Jayden understood what Andy had said. He bid goodbye to the "couple" with a sad face.

When Jayden left, Andy pinched the side of Blake. "What was that?" Andy asked. "Eliminating tigers roaming around my prey." Blake said smiling. "Prey, my foot!" Andy said pouting her lips. "Anyway, thanks. I was thinking of how can I stop Jayden from coming here and because of you, he will not be coming back." Andy said. "It's alright, you still have the handsomest guy on earth!" Blake said that made Andy laughed. "Really?" Andy said. "You're against it? Maybe, I will give this to Mason." Blake said waving a box. "Oh, yes, you're the most, super, over handsome guy not only on earth but around the universe." Andy said. Blake laughed and gave the box to Andy who happily received it and started to munch her blueberry cheesecake.

"Andy?" Blake said. They're outside Andy's house. "Yes?" Andy said. "It's been two months, can I have my answer now?" Blake said seriously looking at Andy. Andy knew what's Blake was talking about. For her, she was ready but she's afraid. She's afraid of getting hurt. She saw her cousins Willa and Mia crying hard when they were broken hearted. She also saw them happy when they're with their boyfriends. She's torn between saying Yes or not yet. But she's starting to feel different. She thought that her life will be incomplete without Blake in her side. She sighed. Blake felt Andy's uneasiness. "It's ok, if you're not ready, I'm willing yo wait. Blake said. Andy looked at him but before she could say something, Blake's phone rang.

"Yes, Ace?" Blake said. "What? Ok, I'll be there." Blake said and end the call.

Andy creased her brow. "Why, is there a problem?" She asked. "Yes! Molly's giving birth." Blake said. "Now?" Andy asked. Max barked. "Yes, Max, you're going to be a father." Blaked said and started his engine.