Chapter 14

When they arrived at Blake's house, Max immediately went inside the house to find Molly. Blake and Andy followed. "Have you called the vet?" Blake asked Ace. "Yes, Sir. He's on his way." Ace answered. Max sat beside Molly. Whenever Molly will move because of uneasiness, Max will lick her face. Molly, like Max, had her own room. Blake and Andy sat on the couch while waiting for the vet to come. After a while a knock on the door can be heard. "I'll get it." Ace said then walked towards the door.

"Good evening." The vet said. "Drey?" Andy said surprised. Drey was one of the veterinarian on Mia's pet clinic. "Oh, hello, Andy." Drey said. "What are you doing here?" He continued. "The father to be is Max." Andy aswered. "Oh, really?" Drey said. "So Max here was the culprit." Drey said smiling while touching Max's head. "By the way, Drey, he's Blake, my boyfriend." Andy said that made Blake froze. "Nice to meet you." Drey said making a handshake. Blake was in cloud nine when Andy snapped a finger in his face. Blake came back to his senses and received Drey's handshake.

"It's better if you'll wait outside. Dogs are sensitive in giving birth so to avoid stress, Max and I will only stay." Drey said. "Ok! Call is if you need something." Blake said and went outside the room.

"Ace, you stay here so that when Drey will call for help, you will hear it right away. Me and this little miss will talk about something important." Blake said while looking seriously at Andy that made the latter giggled.

They proceeded to Blake's room adjacent to Molly's room. "What did you say a while ago?" Blake said before sitting on the couch and tapping it for Andy to sit beside him. "Did I said something?" Andy asked smiling. "Come on, Andy. I wanna hear it again." Blake said begging. "But I can't remember that I said something important a while ago." Andy said. Blake became serious. Andy kept quiet. Blake sighed. Andy smiled. "I said that you are my boyfriend." Andy said. Blake smiled widely and hugged Andy. Andy did the same. She's afraid but she wanted to follow her heart. Blake was very happy. He will try his best to make Andy happy.

Molly gave birth to six cute puppies. Max stayed beside her all throughout. Drey bid his goodbye after helping Molly. "I'll give one to you when they grow older." Andy said smiling. "Ok, I'll take my leave now." Drey said. "Ok, thanks." Andy said waiving goodbye.

"Can you take me home now?" Andy said hugging Blake. "You can sleep here." Blake said winking. "No, I'll let Max stay here. I'll bring his things tomorrow." Andy said. "Come on, it's our first day as boyfriend and girlfriend, we can sleep together." Blake said with a pleading look. "Mr. Cortez, a big no, ok?" Andy said seriously. Blake surrendered and take Andy home.

"Will you be ok without Max?" Blake said. They reached Andy's home and they were infront of her door. "Of course, you know what can I do." Andy said. "Ok, I'll fetch you tomorrow." Blake said. "Ok, take care. Call me when you get home." Andy said then hugged Blake.

"Andy?" Blake said. Andy raised her head and met Blake's eyes. She smiled. Blake kissed her forehead. Andy thought that was it but before she could react, Blake cupped her face and slowly bowed his head to meet Andy's lips. At first, the kiss was very light. It was Andy's first kiss and she didn't know what to do. Her eyes were opened but when Blake deepened the kiss, she slowly closed her eyes. There were tingling sensations all over her body. Blake hugged her tightly. They were kissing passionately. Andy immediately learned on how to move her lips following Blake's movements. Blake felt that his body is reacting so fast especially "down there". If he will not stop, he will make Andy his tonight but he respects Andy and of course her parents and her cousins. He doesn't want to make things complicated. Slowly, Blake released Andy's lips. "If I will stop, I'm sure, I'll be dead tomorrow." Blake said in a hoarse voice. Andy blushed. "Get inside and lock the door." Blake said. Andy nodded. When Blake was sure that Andy locked the door, he went home.

Days passed by. Blake became more sweeter to Andy and vice versa. He will fetched her everyday and they will have their dinner together either on Bona Fide or Pofta Buna. Sometimes, they will try other restaurants around the city. The Torres clan already knew their relationship and they were happy for both of them.

"Cuz Liam called me. He reminded me about the road trip next week." Andy said while they're eating at Restaurante. The Third best restaurant in the city. Of course, Pofta Buna was first and Bona Fide was the second. "Yeah, he also called me. He said that we should join or else they will kick us out at the Torres Riders Club." Blake said smiling. "Yeah, the last time we rode with them was going to your resort." Andy said while muching her dessert. "I will bring my Altitude, you'll ride with me." Blake said that made Andy mugged. "I can drive my Tomahawk and drive yours too." Andy said. "Miss Torres, you've met an accident before and now you still want to drive your bike?" Blake said. "Yes, Mr. Cortez. Besides, you're with me so I don't have anything to worry about." Andy said looking cute. Blake smiled. Whenever Andy made that look, he's like Max wagging his tail and obey whatever her commands are. Andy smiled when she saw Blake letting her ride her sweetheart.

They had finished their dinner and decided to go home. While walking towards Blake's car, someone bumped into Andy. "I'm sorry, miss." The man said. "It's ok." Andy said. Blake looked at the man and vice versa. "I'm ok, let's go." Andy said. She felt that Blake stiffened because he thought she was hurt.

Blake put his arms on Andy's waist and left the place. The couple didn't saw the smirked on his face.

Dewey Perez. Owner of Restaurante. When he saw Andy entering his restaurant, he was fascinated with Andy's beauty. "Small and fragile but illuminating a strong aura." He whispered. He knew Blake as the owner of Pofta Buna but it's his first time to see Andy. On the way Blake looked at Andy, he knew that there's a relationship between them. "No rings yet,I still have the chance." He said to himself.