Chapter 15

Early morning, Blake is outside Andy's house waiting for her. Instead of driving his Altitude, he drove his Tomahawk. Andy went outside her house. "Morning!" Blake said smiling. "Morning too!" Andy said and gave a peck on Blake's lips. "Did Chael check your Tomahawk?" Blake said. "Yeah, he did yesterday." Andy said. "Let's have a race then." Blake said. "You wanna loose again?" Andy said smiling. "Let's see." Blake said. They both started their engine and started the race.

They reached Bona Fide and as expected Andy won. She parked her bike and then removed her helmet. "See? Told you!" Andy said smiling. "When will you let me win?" Blake said encircling his arms on Andy's waist. "Maybe next time." Andy said putting her arms around Blake's neck. The staffs were used to see the couple's PDA but still they felt romantic excitement everytime. "I'll fetch you later. Wait for me." Blake said and planted a soft kiss on Andy's lips. "Ok, take care." Andy said. But before Blake could start his engine, he saw Olivia walking towards Andy carrying a bouquet of flowers. He furrowed his head. "Manager Andy, someone from the courier brought this a while ago." Olivia said giving the flowers to Andy. She looked at Blake. "From whom, Olivia?" Blake said with a serious tone. "There's no note inside, Sir." Olivia said feeling nervous because of Blake's aura. "Throw it!" Blake said that made Olivia startled and immediately took the flowers from Andy's hands. Andy smiled. "Hey! Don't get mad." Andy said while touching Blake's furrowed forehead. "Maybe, I should put an ID on you." Blake said lessening his anger because of Andy's touch. Andy raised her brow. "An ID?" She asked puzzled. "Yeah, ALREADY TAKEN!" Blake said that made Andy laughed. "Don't worry, I'm all yours." Andy said winking.

As usual, before they would go for a ride, they will have a short meeting to discuss their routes, the time, and the likes. And for tonight, it's on Pofta Buna. Liam and the rest of the Torres cousins arrived at Pofta Buna. They rode theirs big bikes while Willa and Mia were on the latter Mc Laren.

"Good evening bro!" Liam said. "Evening too." Blake relied while making a fist bump to the cousins and a peck on the cheeks to Willa and Mia. "Where's Andy?" Willa asked. "I'll fetch her later." Blake said. "Pete, please accompany my guests to the private lounge." Blake said. "You can order what you want and it's on me." Blake said that made the group smiled. "I'll be leaving to pick up Andy." Blake continued. "Ok, we'll be waiting here." Chael said.

After a while, the couple arrived. They walked towards the lounge holding hands. "Here comes the love birds." Nile said smiling. Andy gave a peck on each and everyone. They eat first and then talked.

"So where's the destination tomorrow?" Andy asked while munching her favourite tiramisu. "At my boyfriend's villa." Willa aswered smiling. "Again!?" Andy said in surprised. Willa nodded. "But you only broke up with your ex, right?" Andy still looking surprised. "You're too busy with Bona Fide and Blake here so you're not up to date with your cousin's flings." Marlou said with a teasing tone. Andy blushed while Blake put her arms on her shoulders. "She can't leave without me." Blake said that made the rest laughed. Andy rolled her eyes. "Is it me or is it you?" Andy asked looking at Blake raising her brow. "Both!" Blake said the rest laughed again. And they continue discussing the ride for tomorrow.

Dawn. Andy is preparing her things when Blake arrived. "Come in, I'm not done yet." Andy said opening her door. "You want coffee?" She continued. "I'll do it, you want too?" Blake asked "Yes, please do, I got up late." Andy said. "It's still early, take your time." Blake said and Andy nodded. Blake moved towards the kitchen and made two cups of coffee. "Here." Blake giving Andy's coffee. "Thanks." Andy smiled.

"Let's go." Andy said after finishing her packing and her coffee. Blake stood up from Andy's couch but before Andy could open her room's door, Blake hugged her from behind. Andy was startled at first but later held Blake's arms encircling her waist. "We're going to be late." Andy said. "They will understand, five more minutes." Blake said. Blake started to plant soft kisses on Andy's nape then to her earlobes. It sends shivers on Andy's body. She faced Blake. "Liam will get angry if we will arrive late." Andy said. Blake didn't answer, instead, he captured Andy's lips. They kissed passionately. She let Blake do whatever he wants because she knew Blake's limitations. From the start they became intimate with each other, Blake will not cross the line. They will only do kissing, pecking, and smooching. They will only wander each other's body but will not do the deed. Both released each other breathing hardly. They smiled at each other. "Let's go." Blake said while Andy was still blushing from the hot encounter a while ago. They went outside together and started their engine.

They arrived at Liam's house. All the Torres were already there. The couple removed their helmets and saw the teasing eyes of the guys waiting for them. "You're late!" Chris said but not angry at all. Blake looked at his watch. "It's only five minutes, bro." Blake said smiling. "Before you became a couple, you will arrive here thirty minutes early, but now you're tardiness showed." Peewee said still teasing the two. "I think you better lessen your intimacy." Jay said grinning. Andy blushed. "I think your little princess cast a spell on me. I can't resist her." Blake said smiling. "The Torres cousins laughed. Andy pinched the side of Blake but the latter hugged her and kissed her on the forehead.