Chapter 17

Blake froze. He wasn't expecting Andy's sudden attack. "Andy...wait...Andy!" Blake can't continue speaking because Andy was kissing him on the lips. He felt embarrassed because they were infront of her cousins but she didn't mind them.

"There she goes." Mia said while smiling. "Blake, maybe you should bring her to your room. Make her sober a little." Liam said. Liam was also embarrassed because of his cousin's doings but he knew Andy. She had low tolerance in drinking alcohol and whenever she will sober, she will not remember anything she have done. "I'll make black coffee for her." Willa said.

Blake carried Andy. He knew that the latter can't walk straight but he's not comfortable. Andy was continuously kissing him. His earlobe, his neck then back to his lips. It affected him a lot but he have to fight it. "Andy, listen to me!" Blake said. Andy looked at him. "Why don't you want to kiss me? Am I not beautiful enough?" Andy had changed again. A while ago, she was like a hungry lionesses feeding on her prey but now she was a cry baby. "You don't like me? Andy said with tears in her eyes. Blake smiled. When Andy saw his smile, she continued kissing Blake again. "Andy!" Blake said faking his anger. Andy's eyes welled up again with tears. "You're angry with me?" Andy said. "No, sweetheart. I'm just worried that if you continue acting weird tonight, I can't promise that I will behave well so please stop kissing me." Blake said in a low tone. "I want to kiss you, please kiss me back." Andy said pleading. "Just once?" Blake asked and Andy nodded. Blake gave a peck on her lips. "Just that?" Andy said pouting her lips. "I will teach you how to kiss." Andy said without letting Blake to react. And she started to kiss Blake passionately. Her tongue wandering Blake's mouth. At first, Blake didn't want to respond because he knew Andy was drunk but the fire on his body started to ignite. He felt his masculinity bulging from his pants. While Andy kissing his lips passionately, her hands were touching parts of his body making him more hotter. He started to move. Blake kissed Andy's neck, her collarbone down to her breast. Andy moaned. He's starting to undress Andy but he froze when a knock on the door can be heard. He felt that a bucket of ice was poured on him. He lost his control. "Damn that wine!" He whispered. "Blake, here's the black coffee for Andy." Willa said outside the door. "Get lost!" Andy shouted. When Willa heard her cousin, she smiled. "Blake, it must be hard for you, fighting, you can do it!" Willa said and then laugh. Blake, eventhough busy stopping Andy her evil doings, still he smiled upon hearing Willa's words.

With his mind cleared now, Blake carried Andy to the bathroom and opened the shower. "It's cold, what are you doing!?" Andy was shouting and struggling. She wanted to get out because the water was really cold. They were both wet. Their clothes were soaked in water. When Andy started to sneeze, Blake carried her back to the bed. He went outside and called Willa and Mia.

"Please help her change." Blake said to the two ladies. Willa and Mia was shocked. Blaked was wet from head to toe and they can see his body, a six pack abdomen, a well toned biceps, a body of a model. "You're drooling." Liam said that made the two came back to their senses and blushed.

Blake went back to the room and got a shirt and a pants to change. "Wait for Willa and Mia, they will come here to help you change." Blake said seriously then went out.

Andy was shaking when Willa and Mia entered the room. "How's our seductress doing?" Mia asked with a teasing eyes. "Drink your coffee first while it's still hot." Willa said while giving the cup to Andy. Mia went to the closet and got Andy's clothes. Willa wrapped a blanket to Andy while letting her finish the coffee. "What did I do?" Andy asked innocently. She's a little sobered after the cold shower and the hot black coffee. "The usual, she can't remember anything." Mia said. "Later, you change first." Willa said.

While Andy's changing clothes in the bathroom, Blake returned. "Is she ok?" Blake asked. "Yeah, we think, the effect of the wine lessen a little. She's asking what she have done?" Mia said then laughed. Willa also laughed while Blake scratched his head. "Thank you. You should sleep now. I'll be taking care of her." Blake said and the two ladies went out.

Andy came out from the bathroom and saw Blake sitting at the edge of the bed. Blake looked at her. "Are you Andy now?" Blake said seriously. Andy was confused on Blake's question. "What did I do?" Andy asked. "Come here." Blake said and told her what were her foolishness a while ago.

"I'm sorry, I promise, I won't drink again." Andy said,shocked on her behaviour. "You should not drink with any other guys except me." Blake said with a warning tone. Andy nodded. "But next time, if you're drunk, I will locked the door so no one will disturb my little seductress." Blake said smiling. "You, pervert!" Andy blushed. "Me? I knew someone who's skill was beyond normal." Blake said that made Andy blushed more. She pinched Blake's side but the latter only laughed.