Chapter 18

Early morning of their second day at the villa. " Andy, wake up." Blake said while planting soft kisses on Andy's face. "Hmmm..." Andy murmured. "Danyon is inviting us to have a ride going to the peak of the mountain." Blake said. "Go ahead, I'm still sleepy." Andy said placing her face on Blake's neck and encircling her hands on his waist. Blake smiled. "How can I get up when you're like that?" Blake said. "Let me sleep first then you can go." Andy said. "Ok." Blake said and embraced Andy. When he felt that Andy was sleeping again, Blake slowly got up the bed and took a shower. Before going out, he kissed Andy's forehead.

When he went out, all of the Torres cousins and Danyon were at the garage. "Where's Andy?" Liam asked. "Still sleeping." Blake said. "Maybe, she's shy because of what she have done last night." Chael said that made the group laughed. "Ok, let's go." Danyon said. "Willa, Mia, take care of Andy. Make her a hangover soup. When she wake up, I'm sure she'll have a headache." Nile said. "Maybe, body aches too." Marlou said teasing Blake. The latter only smiled.

Dewey was on his room. He's already awake when he heard the bikes' engine. He looked outside the window and when he saw that Andy was not with them, a sinister smile can be seen in his face. He witnessed Andy's intoxication last night and he was really turned on. At the same time, he was also annoyed that Blake was the one experiencing Andy's kisses.

Willa and Mia came in the house and walked towards the kitchen. They will prepare their breakfast and later on, their lunch.

"Good morning, ladies." Dewey said. "Oh, you're awake already." Willa said. "We barely see you yesterday." Willa continued. "Oh, I'm busy with my paper works." Dewey said. "Where's the rest?" Dewey asked. "They're going to the peak of the mountain." Mia answered. "Oh, I see." Dewey said. "Wait for a while, we're making breakfast. Willa said. "Oh, sure. I'll be back to my room. Call me when you're done." Dewey said. The two ladies only nodded.

Dewey lied. He walked towards Andy's room and not his room. He smiled widely when the door opened. It will be a problem for him if it's locked. He slowly approached the bed and there, the girl he lusted the whole night, lying in bed. A beautiful face, a fair skin, an alluring body. Seeing her, Dewey gulped his saliva. He slowly move towards the sleeping lady. He lied beside Andy and smelled her scent. He touched her hair, her shoulders, and her arms. Dewey was feeling really hot. Andy's scent and her skin made his imaginations wild.

Andy felt that there was someone beside her. She thought that Blake was still with her so she didn't move. But when that someone started to touch her, she felt goosebumps all over her body. When Blake is touching her, she will feel romantic excitement but there's amiss in the touch from the one beside her. She decided to face him and she was shocked but before she could move, Dewey pinned her down the bed, hold her hands above her head and cover her mouth, preventing her to scream.

Because of Dewey's heaviness, Andy can't move.

"Relax, Andy. If you can't beat him, join him." Andy said to herself. She calmed herself and behave, as if she's willing to do what Dewey wants.

"That's my girl. I will remove my hands from your mouth but don't dare to scream." Dewey said. Andy nodded. "Very good." Dewey continued. "Now, all I want is you. Just this once, I will not tell Blake. I will make you happy. I will make you my queen of my world." Dewey said. Andy soften her face. When Dewey saw her, he smiled. He slowly drew closer to Andy but before his lips could touch Andy's lips, Andy pushed him a little. "I'll take a shower first." Andy said that made Dewey smiled devilishly.

Andy got up from bed, snatched her phone from the side table, and went inside the bathroom. She opened the shower so that Dewey will think that she's really bathing.

She texted Willa. "Willa, Dewey is inside my room and he's not with a good motive. Prepare me a rope and a chair. Don't worry, I can handle him. Just stay outside the door. I will open it when I'm done with this asshole." Willa's eyes became widely opened. She let Mia read the text that Andy sent and Mia had the same expression. "What should we do?" Mia asked. Though they knew Andy can manipulate Dewey in her hands, still, they were a little worried for their cousin's safety. "Let's do what she said. I'll forward her text to Liam." Willa said.

Dewey, when he heard the water from the shower stopped, he immediately took off his clothes. "Are you done, honey?" Dewey said. "Just a moment." Andy said sweetly. Dewey became more excited hearing Andy's voice.

Liam and the rest of the group were busy talking about this and that when he felt his phone vibrating. He looked at it and it was a message from Willa. He read the message and immediately his face became angry and looked at Danyon. "If your cousin lay a finger on Andy, I will make it sure that he will not be going home today!" Liam said angrily. "Let's go, Andy needs us." Liam continued and the rest hurriedly started their engine. When Blake heard Liam's words, his heart pounded as if it wanted to get out from his chest. He drove his Tomahawk as fast as he can leaving the rest.

Andy went out of the bathroom wearing a robe. She arranged her clothes inside so Dewey would think that she's naked. She saw Dewey lying in bed and she's sure that the jerk was wearing nothing under the blanket. "Come here and let's have fun." Dewey said smiling widely. Again, goosebumps crawled on Andy's body. "I'm shy." Andy said not moving from the bathroom's door. Dewey smiled and got up from bed, wore a towel around his waist and approached Andy. When his walking towards Andy, the latter became alert. "Here it goes." Andy whispered and smiled wickedly. Before Dewey could touch her, he gave him a power angle kick. "Bitch!" Dewey said holding his sides. "Never ever mess with me!" Andy said and gave an elbow strike and a knee strike to Dewey that made the latter loss his consciousness. "Hmmp!" Andy smirked.

Andy opened the door, Willa and Mia came in. Shocked on what they saw. "What did you do?" Mia asked. "Gave him his own medicine." Andy said smiling. "You're really one of a kind." Willa said. "Come, helped me, let's tie this asshole." Andy said. The ladies carried Dewey from the floor going to the chair brought by Willa but before they could sit the man to the chair, the towel on his waist dropped. "Oh my god!" Mia said. Willa and Andy giggled.