Chapter 24

Blake was discharged from the hospital. After the lab tests, they went directly to his house.

Ace was waiting for their arrival. He had prepared lunch, cleaned the house, and of course, cleaned poops of the puppies.

Blake and Andy arrived. They came in, Andy's hands on Blake's waist and the latter's arms on her shoulders. Upon entering, Max and Molly were busy playing with their puppies. "Max!" Andy called her baby. Max hearing his master's voice hurriedly ran towards her. "Oh, I missed you so much, baby. How are you? Are you happy?" Andy asked continuously as if Max will answer her. "Woof, woof!" Max barked. Andy scratched Max's head. Molly seeing Blake also ran towards him. Blake touched Molly's chin. The puppies encircled Andy and they smelled her. After few minutes, they all wag their tails. Blake and Andy played with them.

"Boss, I prepared lunch." Ace said. "You can eat if you want. I'll make a visit to the restaurants and will be back later this evening." Ace continued. "Bring home the documents I need to sign and the inquiries about Pofta Buna events. Tell my managers that I'll be back on Monday." Blake said and Ace nodded. "By the way, what happened to Jessica?" Blake asked. "Boss, when I called the resort she's working, she was already kicked out." Ace answered. Blake creased his forehead and looked at Andy but the latter only shrugged her shoulders. "And Boss, there was a report that she will be black listed entering the city." Ace continued. "Really?" Blake said, curiosity in his handsome face. "Ah, my small but dangerous girl." He said to his mind.

"Uncle Dante told you that you should not overwork yourself." Andy said while they're eating their lunch. "Can you sign the papers when you get back?" She continued. "I'm fine and I'm not feeling dizzy anymore. I will only sign them, I'll let Ace read it for me." Blake said. "Maybe, I can stay a little late to help you with the signing. I know Ace is to tired because he's doing a lot of work nowadays." Andy said. "Ok, it's my pleasure." Blake said winking at Andy.

After their lunch, they heard engines of bikes outside Blake's house. The couple knew who were the visitors coming. Blake opened the door and outside were the Torres riders.

"How are you bro?" Jay asked. The rest of the group sat on the couches in Blake's living room. "I'm good. Ready for a ride again." Blake said after making fist bumps to his friends. Andy after giving a peck to his cousins, walked towards the kitchen and prepared coffee. They're coffee addicts. The group were busy when Andy served their coffees. "How was your nurse doing?" Peewee asked teasing Andy. "She's a nagger." Blake said and the rest laughed. "I can feel you, Blake." Liam said. Andy rolled her eyes. She decided to go Max and Molly's room to play with them. The group was making fun of her.

When Andy left, Blake became serious. "Liam, Ace told me that Jessica was kicked out from her work and was black listed from here. Did Andy talked about it?" Blake asked. The cousins looked at each other. Liam told them what Andy told him while Blake was in the hospital. "Yes." Liam said. Blake nodded. "When Andy decided on something, even without our help, she will do it. Just like all of us, she also had her different connections but she's not using them unless she will be provoke. Jessica initiated a smoke and Andy will end it with fire." Chael said. "Yeah." Blake said.

The Torres cousins bid their goodbyes to the couple. They only left their offices just to visit Blake.

Hours later, another visitor came, Amanda.

"Hi, big brother!" Amanda said giving a peck to his brother and Andy. "I guess you're much better now, having a beautiful nurse here, I bet you're alive and kicking." Amanda said teasing Blake. "You're right, my nurse here was so great." Blake said smiling. "Hhmmpp, a while ago, you said I'm a nagger but now, you're saying I'm great, which is which, Mr. Cortez!?" Andy said pouting her lips. Amanda laughed. "You two were really a great combination." Amanda said smiling. "By the way, mom said we will have dinner here on Sunday. Andy, mom also said you should have dinner with us together with your parents." Amanda continued. Andy was puzzled but nodded. Amanda took her leave.

The couple decided to take a short nap.

But Andy can't sleep because Blake's hands were roaming around her body. "I thought we'll take a nap, what are you doing?" Andy said. Blake smiled and hugged her. "I like it when you're beside me. I like your scent. I like cuddling you. I like kissing you." Blake sighed. "Why?" Andy asked seeing he sighed deeply. "I think, I'm addicted to you." Blake continued. Andy's heart was so happy hearing the words of Blake. She smiled and kissed Blake's lips. Minutes after , they both dozed off.

Because they didn't have enough sleep in the hospital, the nap they've planned turned into a deep sleep.

Ace came in with the papers his boss reminded him. The living room was empty as well as the kitchen. "Where are they?" He said to himself. Hesitant, he walked towards Blake's room. He knocked once but there was no answer. He turned the door knob and it opened. "If they were doing something, Boss will surely lock the door." He again said to himself. "Boss?" He said and peeped inside the room. There, he saw the couple sleeping soundly. He decided not to wake them up for them to rest well.