Chapter 25

The rest of Blake's week was spent at home. Ace would only let him sighed documents about Pofta Buna but he will be the one reading the contents. Andy didn't skipped a day not visiting him. She would stayed for the night and have dinner with Blake. His parents and Amanda also visited him.

"Son, don't forget on Sunday, remind Andy as well." Blake's mom said. "Yes, mom." Blake answered.

"Can you stay here tonight? I'm really bored here." Blake said. They have eaten their dinner and now sitting at the living room hugging each other. "I'm sorry, we will be having two events tomorrow. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. If I'll stay here, I will oversleep again just like the other day." Andy said pouting her lips. Blake sighed. "It's already Sunday tomorrow and on Monday you'll be coming back, right?" Andy continued. "Yeah." Blake said. "By the way, don't forget tomorrow's dinner. Have you told Uncle and Auntie about it?" Blake asked. "Yeah, and they were both excited." Andy said. "I better go, it's getting late." Andy said. Blake frowned. Andy smiled. "Hey, promise, tomorrow night I'll stay." Andy said embracing Blake. Blake embraced her back.

Andy's Sunday was really busy. They had a wedding reception in the morning and a debut in the afternoon. They had one meal only for the whole day. She was really tired. After preparing the things needed for the debut, she told Olivia that she will only take a sit on her office because her knees were shaking due to her walking back and forth.

She sat on her swivel chair and rest her worn out body. Her eyes were starting to close when her phone rang. "Hello?" She answered the phone without looking at it. "Sweetheart, where are you? We're all here waiting for you." Blake asked worriedly. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was really dead tired and didn't noticed the time. I'll be coming." Andy said and ended the call. She said goodbye to her staffs and told to call her if something happens.

She arrived at Blake's house. They were already at the dining table and chatting while waiting for her.

"I'm really sorry. I failed to notice the time." Andy said apologetically. She gave her respect to her parents and Blake's parents. She gave a peck to Amanda. When she saw Blake, she embraced him tightly as if getting energy from him. Blake kissed her forehead. "Are you ok?" Blake asked. Andy nodded. "Ehem." Mr. Cortez cleared his throat. "Let's eat first while the foods are still hot." Mr. Cortez said smiling.

After dinner, Blake and Andy did the dishes while the others sat on the living room. After the couple were done washing, they've joined the rest in the living room.

"Blake, how was your new resto doing?" His dad asked. " It's almost finished, we're only waiting for the delivery of the tables and chairs, tablewares, and cookwares." Blake answered. "When do you plan to open it?" Andy's dad asked. "I'm still thinking of the date." Blake said. They've talked a little more about Blake's restaurant,suddenly, Blake felt Andy's head on his shoulders. "Oh, my poor baby." Andy's mom said. "We should leave." Andy's dad said. "What about Andy?" Her mom asked. "Don't worry, Auntie, I'll take care of her." Blake answered. "Yes, Auntie, my big brother will take your baby in his bed." Amanda said that made the rest laughed. Blake looked at her sister and the latter smiled sweetly. They all left, leaving Andy and Blake at the living room.

"Andy?" Blake said. Andy didn't answered. Blake decided to carry Andy to his bedroom. He only removed her shoes. He's thinking if he should change her clothes but later decided not to.

Early morning, Blake got up from bed and went out of the room. Andy was still sleeping soundly.

"Ace, I'll still take this day off. Tell my managers, we'll meet tomorrow. And go to Bona Fide, inform them that Andy will not be going to work today. She'll come to her office tomorrow. I'll call Uncle Marc later." Blake said that made Ace a little puzzled but still answered "Yes, Boss!"

Blake came back to the room, Andy was still sleeping. He smiled. He decided to join her in bed again.

Few hours later, finally, Andy lazily opened her eyes. A little startled at first but later on recognized where she was. "Morning, sleepy head." Blake said smiling. "Morning." Andy said in a hoarse voice. "What time is it?" Andy asked. "It's already 10 in the morning." Blake answered. "What!?" Andy asked surprised. "Oh my, I'm late!" Andy said getting up hurriedly but Blake brought her back to bed. "Hey! Let me go, I'm going to work." Andy said. "You're not going to work, you're going with me." Blake said embracing her tightly. "What? Uncle Mark will get angry and my staffs will be waiting for me." Andy said. "I'll already called Uncle Marc and Ace informed your staff that your not working today." Blake said. "You're mine the whole day." Blake continued. Andy was still puzzled. "Let's do what regular boyfriends-girlfriends do." Blake said winking at Andy. Andy laughed. "Ok, Mr. Cortez. Since you already planned ahead, how can resist your cuteness. Andy smiled.

Blake took a shower and changed then they went to Andy's house.

Blake brought Andy to a mall. They strolled, ate, watched a movie. They enjoyed every minute they were together, not thinking of anything but only the two of them. They laughed, they hugged, they cuddled just like normal couples do.