The Key Plaza Hotel - Part 1

Tuesday, continued …

Hou Yi, made sure that Anna had her seat belt on, before putting his on. He looked at her, and said "I am guessing there is a real possibility that Lu Jinhu will be waiting for you at the Key Plaza Hotel. I can come in with you if your want support, but it might trigger him to become abusive, because you have support he was not anticipating. Could I suggest that you give him that you give back the ring, to prevent him from claiming you have kept it when you had no right to. It gives you the higher ground, and I would suspect that he would not anticipate its return."

"Actually, I was thinking the same thing. Given how he has treated me, I do not want a single reminder of him that I cannot avoid. The ring is something that I can easily get rid of." Anna paused, and thought about what Hou Yi has said "Why do you think he would be more abusive if you accompanied me in?"

"I know he does not like me and given what Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin did to you earlier, adding me to the mix, if they are present will only cause it to get even worse. Plus, it lets them know I am your support and protection and will hamper getting your revenge."


With that they both sat back in the car, and Hou Yi reached over and grabbed Anna's hand in his. Anna looked at him and asked, "Why do you keep a hold of my hand?"

Hou Yi leaned over and quietly indicated "Remember one of the things I asked, that you be open to receiving attention from me and given the same to me? I thought that simply holding hands was something simple, and would not be confronting to anyone, whereas kissing and hugging would be something that you would find confronting at this time."


With that they sat quietly while the buildings sped by. Without realising how long they had been travelling, the car came to a stop, and Assistant Wang, got out, and opened the door on Anna's side of the vehicle. "Here you are Young Madam. When you are ready to leave, let the staff know, and they will call me to come back and collect you." Assistant Wang got back in the car and drove off.

Anna entered the foyer of the Key Plaza Hotel. Within seconds of entered the hotel, Lu Jinhu came over and immediately started to invade her personal space, yelling "Where have you been you "b**ch, I told you to get your stuff and get out of here. You are not wanted." He paused and then asked "Who was that you were with?"

Anna stepped backwards and put her hands up to keep Lu Jinhu away from her. "Get away from me. You cannot demand to know what I am doing. You have no rights, but I will tell you I have been trying to get the pieces of my life back together. I am not telling you anything else, so get stuffed." Anna paused and saw that Lu Jinhu appeared ready to strike her as he was so angry that she was not cooperating.

Anna then opened her palm, in which she had earlier placed his ring and threw it at him. "You're your ring back, I do not want it or you." Anna felt so pleased with herself, she did not realise the danger that she was in.

Within a couple of seconds, Lu Jinhu, slapped her hard across the face, and screamed "B**ch. Wh**e. B**ch."

Then she was knocked off her feet, by someone else and heard Yang Lin's voice "You wh**e. You cannot do that. I am calling the police to arrest you."

Anna, picked herself up off the ground, and knowing she had Hou Yi's backup sneered at Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin. She then said "Go ahead. I simply came to get my belongings. You Lu Jinhu invaded my personal space including not taking the hint, were abusive and hit me. I had no intention of getting anywhere near you other than to return your rings, which went to your feet. You two slapped me and knocked me to the ground. The police will believe me."

"Try it you b**ch. As you were told my parents know government officials. My version will win out." Yang Lin replied certain that she was the one who was in the powerful position.

Yang Lin raised her hand to slap Anna again, however the manager stepped in to stop this. Anna felt relief at this. However her relief was short lived.

"Madam Lu, please stop, as it will reflect badly on you. I heard what you and Mt Lu informed me about this woman, and I can only apologise for our poor judgement in providing her with accommodation. Please be assured that I will escort her to the room now, and only give her 5 minutes to pack before escorting her off the premises to ensure you are not bothered again. I can only apologise to you and Mr Lu, as neither of you should have to deal with a stalker. Be assured that is she refuses to do what I have requested, I will detain her and ensure she is handed to the police."