The Key Plaza Hotel - Part 2

Tuesday, continued …

Anna was stunned of what came out of the manager's mouth. That evil pair accused her of being a stalker and had convinced the Key Plaza Hotel manager that she should not be allowed to ever be let back in. Anna knew it was wasting time to argue on this presently, but she would get her revenge, and be invited back in.

Anna turned to the manager "Sir, I dispute what Mr and Mrs Lu have told you about me, however I am willing to leave the hotel, after I have collected my belonging from the room, I have stayed in. You can escort me there, if you feel it necessary."

Anna went into her handbag, and located her room hey, and as she handed it to the manager, she said "This is my room key. I would like to get this over and done with as I want to leave here as soon as possible."

Anna, turned slightly and walked over to the elevator bank and stood there waiting for the manager to arrive. He was a few paces behind here and pressed the up button on his arrival. On entering he used the room key to select the floor where Anna's room was located. As the doors closed he turned to Anna and said "Madam, just to make it absolutely clear, you are permanently banned from entering these premises again, as you are, based on what Mr and Mrs Lu say a risk to their safety. If you show up, you will be detained and handed to the police."

Anna just shook her head. It was not worth responding again to the false allegations other than to state "Sir, I deny their allegations, but it is not worth arguing with you about the ban."

As the doors opened at the floor Anna's room was on, she followed the manager to the room, and he used the key to open the door. "Madam you have no more than 5 minutes to pack your belongings and leave this room." He then took position in the doorway, watching Anna.

Anna, was grateful she packed most of her belongings before leaving today. She lifted her cabin bad and suitcase onto the bed, opening both. Firstly she entered the bathroom, gathering her toiletries and makeup, shoving them back into their bags, before putting the bags into the case. She then located the plastic bag for her bathers that were drying in the bathroom, and dropped them into it, making sure it was secured so no other clothes would get damp.

Anna went to the wardrobe checking that there were no personal belongings. She located a dress and pair of shoes there, which she took and put into her case. Anna picked up her cabin bag, and went and opened her safe, removing her Camera, Laptop and Tablet, placing them and their cables into the cabin bag, which she immediately locked.

When Anna thought she had picked up everything, she started at the window, and moving through the room, kept checking that she had left nothing anywhere. As the was doing this the manager said "You have one minute, and you have to be locking your cases and out of this room, and on your way out of the hotel."

Anna finished this quick look around the room and was satisfied to the best of her ability that she had left nothing in the draws, on the benches, in the wardrobe, or in the bathroom. As she was zipping up her case she noticed two pairs of shoes she almost forgot and quickly grabbed them. As she picked and put them in her case the Manager said "Time." Anna finished closing her case and securing it.

The manager was watching Anna, so she knew she would have no help to take her bags downstairs. Anna therefore stacked and secured her cabin bag on her suitcase and placed her handbag on top. She started to wheel the case towards the door and as she passed the safe, she noticed she had left her grandmother's necklace in the safe, so she grabbed it while following the manager out. She then quickly hurried to the elevator and was lucky that there was one waiting for her.

When arriving at the foyer Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were waiting for her. Yang Lin screamed to the manager "Hold her. She has stolen items which I need to retrieve." With that Yang Lin pushed Anna into the manager arms had he held her preventing her from interfering with Yang Lin. Anna was just happy she had secured the cabin bag and case in the room with the combination locks she has turned, and as they were coming down in the elevator placed one on her handbag, which she did the same with.

When Yang Lin went to grab her handbag, Anna pulled herself from the manager's grasp, and screamed "Enough. I am leaving."

Anna turned to Yang Lin and said "Prove that I have stolen items, then you can look in my bags. All they have are my clothes, toiletries, make up and electronics. If you think I am going to let you go through them, think again. By the way, the Laptop, Camera, tablet and mobile have unique codes that were registered with my insurance company 12 months ago, so it would be impossible for them to be stolen."

Anna grabbed her suitcase, and the cabin bag, and headed towards the check-out counter. She just has this feeling that things would not be paid for. This made her glad that she had a pre-paid credit card loaded with funds Lu Jinhu knew nothing about.

Anna said to the desk clerk "I am Anna Jones and I am checking out of room 823. The manager has my room key." Anna then handed the card to the clerk "Please charge the additional room charges to this card." Out of the corner of her eye, Yang Lin was coming towards her yelling "Thief, Liar, Stalker, W**re, B**ch". Anna was thankful that she placed her suitcase and cabin bag in front of her to protect them.

The desk clerk, indicated "Madam, there are another ten thousand in charges for the room, are you certain that there is enough money on the card."

"Ten thousand, what currency?"

"Local currency"

Anna knew there was enough funds there, so said "Go ahead". As soon as the transaction processed the card was returned to her. On turning around, she could see the look of surprise on Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin's face as they believed she had nothing to pay that bill with, which would have seen her in jail.

Anna stalked past Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, keeping out of their reach to prevent any further assaults and walked out of the hotel. Once outside she asked a staff member to signal for the car that she came in to return. As the Mercedes pulled up Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin reached her and started to pull her. Assistant Wang stayed in the car but popped the boot. With the staff help, her suitcase and cabin were quickly put in the boot and it was shut.

Anna struggled to get out of the grip of Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin to get into the car. They both were demanding she handover all here electronic equipment claiming it was Lu Jinhu's. Once she was able to get out of their grip, she quickly opened the door and got inside, but it became a struggle to get the door shut as Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were trying to keep it open and get her out. Only when the staff, Anna was able to get the door closed and Assistant Wang drove immediately away. Anna threw herself into Hou Yi's arms and burst out crying.