Buying rings at Fengs - Part 1

Tuesday, continued …

After exiting the vehicle after Anna, Hou Yi turned to Assistant Wang and asked "Could you please arrange for someone from the police to meet us at our apartment, in say 90 minutes, maybe 2 or so hours. Advised them that we are out shopping, but if we are not there when they arrive, we will not be far away. You also need to advice the staff, to let the police officer in to await for us."

"Additionally, can you please arrange for a personal shopper from the VIP area at M Mall, to assist my wife to obtain some urgently required clothing. Tell them, we have no more that 30 minutes however my wife requires a semi-formal dress, a couple of casual dresses, a couple of pairs of casual pants and tops to match, and the usual miscellaneous items. Also remind them we want our privacy protected. "

Anna heard what Hou Yi said and turned back stating "But I have my own clothes"

Hou Yi walked over her and said "I know you do, but I know my family tonight will be dressed such that the semi-formal dress is needed, and I want to help supplement the items you have at the moment. Do not worry, anything else can wait."

"You do not need to spend such money."

"Please let me do this, all I want to do is ensure that you feel comfortable."

Anna wanted to argue with Hou Yi but realised that he would not change his mind. In an exasperated tone indicated "Fine, but do not think that this is the end of this."

Hou Yi recognised that he had only temporarily won the argument, so he turned to Assistant Wang and said "Thank you for doing this. As soon as we are finished, I will call you to let you know we are ready to be picked up."

Hou Yi took Anna's hand in his own, partially dragged her, partially escorted her through Fengs front door, which had been opened for them. Immediately, upon entry they were approached by a man, who bowed to them. "CEO and Madam Hou, I am Manager Yong and am in charge of this store. Please follow me to one of our VIP Rooms."

Manager Yong turned and walked between two counters opening a door and motioning for Hou Yi and Anna to enter the room. After entering Hou Yi and Anna sat down on a pair of comfortable blue chairs, which had a coffee table in front of them and a chair on the opposite side. A young woman entered the room placing two glasses of water on the coffee table, and bowed before saying "Please let Manager Yong know if there is anything else that you would like to drink, and I will arrange and bring this to you."

"Nothing for me", was Anna's prompt response

"Also nothing for me", followed Hou Yi. With that he reached over and picked up once of the glasses on the table and handed it to Anna.

Manager Yong, turned and started to close the door, and Anna heard someone outside say "Oh my God. I never through that I would see the day that CEO Hou, would be so caring and gentle towards a woman. All reports I have read or heard say that he does not like woman."

Manager Yong, also heard this, and re-opened the door he was about to close, and exited the room but failing to fully close it behind him. In a raised voice he could be heard saying "You have all previously been told, and if I have to repeat it once more people will be fired. We do not engage in talk about clients or the rumours around them, as it is unprofessional. What makes it worse today, is that you know there is another VIP couple due in soon. "

Manager Yong, re-entered the room walked over, bowing again "Apologies CEO Hou, Madam Hou, that behaviour was unacceptable from my staff." He stopped briefly "CEO Hou, Assistant Wang telephoned and indicated that you were coming to select jewellery for your wife. How can we be of assistance?" As this was happening Anna noticed that the door was not fully closed.

Hou Yi turned to Anna and looked briefly at her so she knew she was the focus of what was to happen. He returned his head to look directly at Manager Yong. "Manager Yong, We are seeking an engagement ring for my wife and matching wedding bands for the two of us. As my wife is Australian, my preference would be for the engagement ring, at least, to contain Australian Diamonds. Also I am …"

Before he could continue further both he and Anna heard Yang Lin, angrily demand "Tell Manager Yong that we want to see him here now."