Buying rings at Fengs - Part 2

Tuesday, continued …

Hou Yi and Anna heard Yang Lin angrily continuing, "I have been a very important client, and do not want to be dealt with by anyone other than the manager. Further the VIP room that you are attempting to show me into is not the premier VIP room. I want that room made available now, otherwise I will make sure that this store is closed immediately. I have the power to do that, so do not test me. "

Lu Jinhu continued "My wife is right. We must be served by the manager, no assistants, you know and can do nothing. We are the most important customers to walk in your door, and we will have what we want. If you do not, I will ensure that this store is destroyed."

Hou Yi looked over at Anna and noticed she was shaking. Of all the people to walk in, it had to be these two, who had just bullied and abused his wife. It was unacceptable that they upset his wife.

Hou Yi turned and motioned to Manager Yong "My wife cannot stand those two out there. Please ensure that they do not know that either of us are here. As it is not good for business, we will not disrupt the business and demand that they are thrown out. Please go and deal with them, and we are happy with any staff member to assist us, because that will partially deal with them."

Hou Yi slightly paused and looked at Anna, realising that she was settled. "However, as my wife is comfortable, so we will not move rooms to satisfy them. Please arrange for whoever deals with us to bring in matching wedding ring sets, engagements rings, some simple, but delicate gold chains, maybe one with an Australian Opal pendant being my wife's birthstone, or a Diamond pendant, being my birthstone."

As Manager Young left ensuring neither Lu Jinhu or Yang Lin could see them in the room Hou Yi eased himself down on his knees in front of Anna and took her hands in his. "I will not let them hurt you. Having Manager Yong deal with them should give us some peace while we select our items."

"Before you asked when I looked at our marriage certificate, I noticed your birthday was October, and as my mother's best friend's birthday is October and her daughter who I view as a cousin birthday is April like mine. My mother often tasks me with buying birthday jewellery gifts for them, so I have come to know the birthstones well."

Anna was still shaking, So Hou Yi repeated "I will ensure that they cannot hurt you. More importantly I will help you get your revenge on them." He at this time got up off his knees and sat back in the chair but ensured that he had taken one of Anna's hands in his, gently rubbing her hand to make sure she realised she was not alone.

Both Anna and Hou Yi, turned to the slightly opened door, and heard Yang Lin "Manage Yong, why did you keep us waiting. I told you that you we would be here, and you were not ready to serve me, as you should." Her voice was a little less angry tan before, but she was still angry.

"Madam Lu, I was dealing with the other VIP clients we have."

"Well get them out of my room. You know that I must be in that room, as it is the best VIP room in this store, and I am the best and you have to give me the best, as otherwise you know I can have you shut down,"

"Madam Lu, stop it. Our other clients are still in the room. While I know I cannot afford to offend you, they are in the process of selecting their items. What they have said is that they will happily have another staff member deal with them, so I can assist you. However, as the Young Madam in there is slightly shaken, they will not move."

"Well my wife made it very clear they have to move. You have 2 minutes to do what my wife wants, otherwise we will make a call and this store will be closed in 5 minutes." Came Lu Jinhu's response.

"Master Lu, Madam Lu, this is one request that I am afraid I am unable to comply with."

"Well I am making that call Manager Yong. Be ready for this store to be closed, and you arrested and dealt with by the authorities."

"Madam Lu," stuttered Manager Yong. He took a quick breath "What about, instead of the normal discount that we give you, if you accept the second VIP room, I will give you both another fifteen percent discount on your purchases today? Would this be an acceptable compromise for using the second VIP Room?"

"Make it a further thirty five percent discount and throw in a necklace that my wife likes at no charge, and we will accept your demeaning second VIP room. Plus, I will not make that call," responded quickly Lu Jinhu. Anna could hear the tones of greed that he had when he told her what he had done to her in Australia.