Buying rings at Fengs - Part 3

Tuesday, continued …

Anna, inside the VIP room was shocked at the greed that Lu Jinhu was demonstrating.

"The best that I am able to do without getting the permission of the owners is to offer you a twenty percent discount, over and above the standard discount we give to such customers as you, Madam Lu," Stuttered Manager Yong. He was fully aware, that with the addition of the normal ten percent discount that Yang Lin always receives to prevent trouble, giving a further twenty percent discount he will have serious explaining to do to the owner, let alone no one receiving any commission from the sale.

"You have three minutes to get the permission. Otherwise you know what we will do. There is no more warnings," Lu Jinhu's response.

"Yes Sir".

Within thirty seconds Hou Yi's mobile was ringing. After listening for a few seconds, he quietly responded "Tell them, as a one off they will receive a total discount off the purchase price of anything today. I will ensure that the staff do not loose out. As to a necklace, she can have a simply gold chain without a pendant for free, and again I will cover this." With that he ended the call.

Anna wondered what was going on, and then heard Manager Yong say, "A total one-off discount of thirty-five percent has been approved by the owner for you Mr and Madam Lu, for the inconvenience of the first VIP room being unavailable. Additionally, it has been approved that you can have a simply gold chain, no pendants for no charge."

They heard a squeal of excitement, which could only have come from Yang Lin, and Lu Jinhu said "Good. We will use the demeaning second VIP room on that basis, and we will remember the discount, that should always apply to us now that you have given it to us."

Anna, realised then, that Hou Yi must have something to do with this jewellery store, and turned to Hou Yi "What is your connection here?"

"Fengs is owned, by my family. If came into our family generations ago. Various family members have an interest in it, but the tradition is that the CEO of Hou Enterprises is deemed the owner. No one other than Manager Yong knows this, and he knows that I do not want them to know I am here."

"However, Yang Lin knows that there is some family connection here and has used it to demand huge discounts and free items from staff. The staff have been tight-lipped as to Yang Lin's actions, however as I now know, so I can put a stop to it, and it is something that we may be able to use to bring them down."

"The staff will be told that she gets no more discounts without my permission regardless of her demands. We were never going to move for that spoiled little witch, just because she comes in and demands it. It should have been enough of an explanation that someone was in here for her to accept another room. Each VIP room is the same, their only differences are the room number and their location in the building, nothing else," finished Hou Yi.

"I cannot believe it."