Buying rings at Fengs - Part 4

Tuesday, continued …

Before Anna could respond further, a young woman walked in, carefully shielding Hou Yi and Anna from being seen from outside the room. Three men accompanying her carrying with jewellery trays, which they placed on the large table in front of Hou Yi and Anna. The woman shut the door and the men, stepped back towards the wall.

The woman spoke. "CEO Hou, Madam Hou, I am Assistant Manager Wong. Manager Yong, in and among dealing that scene out there indicated to me what you were looking for. The first thing I need to do is check each of your ring sizes, so that if necessary, we can have the rings you choose adjusted for size."

With that, she came and moved a small chair on the opposite side of the table in front of Hou Yi and Anna, and pulled from a draw in the table, a ring sizer and a note pad. With that, she checked both Hou Yi and Anna's ring sizes, and when she was happy made a note of this on the notepad.

"Thank you. Now please let me explain our initial choices here. In terms of the Engagement Ring you requested CEO Hou, we have selected a few diamond solitaires from the collection. Each of these contains diamonds from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, including pink and red diamonds, and have been issued with all the appropriate certificates. The diamonds range in size from 2 carats to 5 carats."

With that Assistant Manager Wong, turner around and selected a tray from behind her, bringing it around for Hou Yi and Anna to look at. Anna turned to Hou Yi "I do not want a large expensive ring. I am aware that pink diamonds are the most expensive in the world, can we rule them out."

"No let us just have a look at the rings, including the wedding ring sets, and see if there is something that you like. Cost does not matter, you have to like the rings as you will be wearing them."

Anna stopped from answering back, as if Hou Yi's family own the jewellery store then, likely that can afford the ring at least.

Both turned their attention to the rings in the tray that Assistant Manager Wong was holding, and after a few minutes both reached towards the tray for the same ring. Anna, looked at Hou Yi and blushed.

Hou Yi removed it from the tray and looked to Anna and asked "Are you sure this is the ring. Do not think that just because we both were drawn to it that it is the right ring. You can select another if you want." With that Hou Yi handed the ring to Anna for a closer look.

After Anna took a little time to consider the ring that Hou Yi had handed to her, she handed it to Hou Yi, and responded "Absolutely certain."

With that Hou Yi, handed the ring to Assistant Manager Wong. She looked at the ring and said "Good choice CEO Hou and Madam Hou. While not going into too many details, the ring has a 2 carat Pink Diamond, on a white gold band. There is also a similar ring on platinum and on yellow gold."

"No, that ring is perfect," was Hou Yi's immediate response. Anna simply nodded in agreement.

Assistant Manager Wong nodded to the men, and the engagement ring tray was removed from the table. Another approached and placed a tray of wedding ring sets on the table and Assistant Manager Wong whispered something into his ear, and he left the room.

"Here is a selection of wedding ring sets for you to look at. However, given your choice of engagement ring, and I hope you do not fee that this is presumptuous of me, I have arranged for one more set to be brought in. There are only 4 sets of this design with pink diamonds in the world, and we have the only one in the country. It contains pink diamonds from the Kimberly Region as well, and I believe that they will complement your engagement ring."

As she finished, the assistant she sent out, came back in with a second tray was sat beside the first. Hou Yi looked at the one ring set on the second tray and handed them to Anna. The both could see that the two pink diamonds on the female wedding ring would nestle around the diamond solitaire on the engagement ring. Anna also thought that the design was magical, when she looked at the rings as a whole. She handed them back to Hou Yi and simply nodded.

Hou Yi responded "We are almost certain that they are the right rings. But we will look at the other sets to be certain."

Anna, put her hand on Hou Yi's arm, and he turned to her. "No, I know that they are perfect. Not because the design is limited, but the design reminds me of waves in the sea, which to me are a way for us to link me back to where I grew us, near the sea in Australia, and with the pink diamonds being from Australia, that link is there even more. If you want to look at others, I will, but …"

"No if that is what you want, we will have set."