Planning to deal with the interference

Wednesday, continued …

After Hou Yi ended the call with her Australian boss, Anna turned to him "This is going to take a couple of days. Damn. I had other plans, as I need to relax with everything that has happened, and start to deal with you know what…"

Hou Yi responded "I know that you did. It is what it is. There is nothing we can do tonight, and we will just have not deal with it tomorrow."

Hou Yi paused and turned to Assistant Wang. "Anna will need space to work for eh next couple of days. It makes sense for her to work in the Legal Department. All anyone needs to know is that she has broken her holiday to come in at the request of her Australian employers who handle our legal work there to resolve an issue."

"It also provides a reason for her to come and go from my office with reasonable ease while she is there. The one thing that I have to say to you, is you need to be careful to ensure that no one realises that Anna is my wife."

"Not a problem Sir. I will see both of you tomorrow." With that Assistant Wang, left the study.

As soon as the door was shut, Hou Yi in frustration said "Damn the Lu's. It must be them, as the realised that they were not getting Hou Enterprises like they thought. It makes no sense for them to have done this, because everyone knows we ticked all the necessary boxes for the development and checked it a second time before proceeding."

"Calm down Yi. Let me deal with the Australian legal matters for you." Said Anna in a calming voice and she placed her hand on his arm.

"The Lu's must have figured out I was married, but they appear not to know who I married. I am guessing they are trying this to get some petty revenge."

Anna paused "Yi, while it could be, you need to calm down and not worry about it. Your wife is one hell of a lawyer and I will deal with the Australian issues."

Before they could continue any further, there was a knock on the door "Young Master, the dinner that Young Madam requested is ready, in the informal dining room. How long will you be so I can arrange for it to be served."

"Give us five minutes", Hou Yi called out.

Anna shut down her laptop, and carefully packed it and her tablet away with their cords to take into Hou Enterprises in the morning. She then handed the bag to Hou Yi "Can you place this somewhere where we will not forget it in the morning."

Hou Yi, turned and placed it with his briefcase, so both would be collected in the morning. Anna picked up her handbag, removing her phones and placed it with the other bags, before they left the study locking the door behind them.

Together they walked past the formal dining room into a room down the corridor from it. On entering they observed that the staff had set it romantically for the two of them. Hou Yi helped Anna to sit down, and as he took his seat, a chef entered the room.

"Young Master, Young Madam, just to let you know tonight's meal, in honour of Young Madam, will be a western inspired meal, with some Asian twists. The first course is a Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup, the second course, will be steak and Asian inspired salads, and for dessert there will be pavlova's with Strawberries and Cream. A red wine has been chosen to accompany the steak and champagne will be provided with dessert. Young Madam, how will you prefer your steak cooked?"

"Medium-rare to Medium, please"

"Thank you. Your first course will be out in a couple of minutes, and the main course 15 minutes later. As dessert is not hot, it can be served whenever you request. Once desert is brought out, I will have a second bottle of champagne sent to your suite."

"Butler Ge also asked me to inform you we have placed a small fridge fresh milk, fruit juice and wine in it; tea and coffee making items; glasses; and basic breakfast supplies in your room, so that we do not have to unnecessarily disturb you of a morning. Please let us know if you require a breakfast made available here, and Young Madam if there is anything you require food wise let me know and we will add it to our shopping list."

"Thank you", replied Hou Yi. With that they settled in to eat their meal in general peace, simply enjoying siting in the quite with each other. Around an hour later, they left the dining room, and went upstairs to their suite.

As soon as the door was closed behind them, Anna dropped her phones on the table and turned to Hou Yi before quietly saying "You have completely gone overboard. I agreed to some displays of affection, but you have completely gone over the top…"

At that time there was a knock on the door, with a female voice calling out "Young Master, Young Madam, Butler Ge requested that I bring you some Champagne." With that Hou Yi turned and opened the door directing the maid where to put the champagne, and she left.

As soon as the door was closed, Hou Yi turned and responded "I had no idea when we were talking whether you were on speaker phone or not, so I had to act as if someone on your end could hear the conversation. As to what happened downstairs, think about it. We have told everyone we would not wait to get married and cannot keep our hands off each other. Me touching you, kissing you, pulling you onto my lap, is all about selling that story. Tell me how we could otherwise sell it?"

Hou Yi paused and took a breath before he became too angry and Anna.

He continued "Doing what we did this morning will not sell our intended story long term, if there is no displays of affection outside this room. I suspect Yang Lin has bluffed some staff members regarding her personality, therefore they will not like that you are my wife. If we cannot convince the staff, she will ultimately hear about it, giving her and the Lu's ammunition. If not what I am doing, what do you propose for the next few weeks, when the staff will expect that some displays will reduce? "


"I figured you would have no idea on what to do. Forget it. Let us simply go to bed. Ladies first for a shower. When you finish, leave your dirty clothes where I can access them when I finish. I am going to set the clothes up, as if we could not wait to get into the shower together for the staff to find in the morning."