Returning to the Lu's

Wednesday, continued …

Meanwhile, back at the Lu's Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin were relaxing on a sofa, covered by a blanket having just had wild s*x to deal with their frustrations about the previous 24 or so hours. They were simply relaxing, without a care thinking about what they might do when in stormed Lu Jinhu's father.

"F**king Hou Yi"

This shocked Lu Jinhu, "Father, some courtesy would be appropriate. Get the F**k out of this room, and we will meet you in the study in a few minutes. You forget this is our honeymoon, and as we cannot go public for a few days, all we can do is honeymoon here."

"What in the world do you mean," yelled Mr Lu.

"Figure it out, by simply looking at the room, and then what you could have walked in on."

A quick look around the room and a closer look at his son and daughter-in-law confirmed to him what they had been doing. He ground out, "Five Minutes, the study. Do not make me wait."

With that he turned and walked away. As soon as he was out of sight, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, quickly grabbed the clothes that they had simply tossed around, and dressed as best they could, and raced to the study.

After they sat down, Lu Jinhu turned to his father "Father, what is going on?"

"That f**king Hou Yi. I finally have information from the spies. He has f**king married, some unknown woman, a w**re. I have no information on who she is. The story is he has convinced his family that he had loved her for months and had been slowly working on getting her to marry him, which happened yesterday. The other thing, is he has convinced them you were simply a backup Yang Lin."

"While I knew if he did not marry by the deadline we would get the company, the think I did not know is if he met the deadline, his father and grandfather would step down from all roles with Hou Enterprises, leaving Hou Yi completely in charge, and vacant seats on the board."

"What!" yelled both Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin.

"How in the world did he get married? Why did we not know the specifics if he was successful?" Lu Jinhu continued.

"As I said, I know nothing about the marriage. The resignations must have been a separate agreement to that which we had managed to get our hands on through the spies. The spies have been tasked to find out what they can about the new Madam Hou and requested to report to you two. I have a couple of things on with the company that I cannot be distracted from. We can then use information about the new Madam Hou to start do destroy them."

"I have also taken steps to throw a few spanners in Hou Enterprises activities. It will not compensate us for not getting Hou Enterprises, it will be pleasurable to watch, and it should disrupt much of their business as it will take senior executives from headquarters. It was all that I could think of presently."

"Father," piped up Yang Lin, "We have another couple of problems. We were not able to get a hold of that w**re's laptop for any period of time, and she has suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. She did not make the flight so I would guess that she is still in country."

"Oh my god. We needed that laptop, so we could access her employers' systems, to get all the money we could and to find out Hou Enterprises plans in Australia, now we do not have it. How in the f**k could she just disappear?"

"Yang Lin, I will speak to your parents and we will contact those officials we know, to have her arrested as soon as she surfaces. We should then be able to get that laptop. Hopefully it is not too late to get a huge chunk of money, to finish destroying her, and causing issues for the Hou Corporation as well."

"Well father, you could have phoned and told us this. Just get out of here, and we will see you on Friday, for the public wedding ceremony. Do not bother us unless it is absolutely necessary, we have enough things on our plate now."

With that Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, left Mr Lu in the study, going to their master suite, where then engaged in another session of wild s*x.