Entering Hou Enterprises


Hou Yi and Anna were awoken by a knock on the master suite door. Anna stood up and placed a semi-transparent red embroidered dressing gown over the matching nightdress Hou Yi had convinced her to wear last night for appearances.

As she moved to the door, Anna observed Hou YI's handiwork from the previous night. The clothes over the floor and the slightly messy blue couch, and the mess in the bathroom clearly gave the appearance that they had multiple bouts of s*x throughout their suite. On opening the door, she found Butler Ge there.

"Apologies Young Madam, it is 7am, and I was concerned that neither you or the young Master were awake, given that you are both going into the company today."

"Butler Ge" came Hou Yi's voice from behind Anna, just as he put his arms around her and bent and kissed her neck.

Anna turned in his arms, saying quietly "Darling, I thought you were asleep." Anna observed Hou Yi had on a pair of black boxers and an open short black dressing gown. She leaned on his chest slightly.

Hou Yi responded, "I awoke when you left the bed." In a much louder voice, he returned to look at Butler Ge "Please bring us breakfast as soon as possible, we will eat in here today."

With that he shut the suite door and let go of Anna. He turned and said, "I would recommend you get into the shower first. Last night, I looked through the clothes that were delivered and selected an option that will be suitable for the office today. I have also arranged for a bodyguard to drive you to the office and bring you home."

Hou Yi paused, before continuing "I cannot provide too much obvious security for you in the building as that will arouse suspicions as to who you are. It concerns me, but I do not want the staff to know who you are so you can observe in the area you are what people are like and make a recommendation of whether I need to change things."

"As for your personal safety, we will be relying on the internal systems including CCTV footage to keep you safe. The bodyguard who accompanies you will be with my team during the day, and I will make sure that you can contact him when you are ready to do."

"Yi do not worry. I can understand why this is the decision and I can take care of myself."

"Anna, given what happened on Tuesday, I want to make sure you are safe."

Anna entered the walk-in robe and located the clothing Hou Yi selected for her of a Navy-Blue Blazer, matching pants and a white shirt matched with a navy-blue pair of shoes and handbag. Leaving the shoes and handbag, Anna found some underwear and entered the bathroom t shower and change.

On exiting the bathroom, Anna observed a tidy couch and Hou Yi sitting there eating a simple breakfast. She sat beside him and started eating breakfast. Once Hou Yi finished his breakfast he showered and dressed while Anna finished her breakfast.

As Anna carefully put on her shoes, she noticed Hou Yi's suit was almost the identical colour to her blazer and pants. As they were about the leave the suite, Anna went to remove her rings and hand them to him.

Hou Yi stopped her, and angrily stated "Do not take them off. They deserve to stay on your finger and should do so. Plus, their existence will prevent any harassment from male staff."

Anna snapped in response "Fine." She picked up her handbag and followed Hou Yi out of the master suite.

When they came downstairs, Hou Yi collected his briefcase and Anna's Laptop bag from the study. As he handed her laptop bag over, Hou Yi leaned in and gave Anna a brief kiss, whispering loud enough so anyone near could hear "I am just sorry that this is the last kiss in can give you until tonight." Hou Yi dropped his briefcase and pulled Anna in for a passionate kiss.

They were interrupted by coughing behind her, and Anna gently pulled out from Hou Yi's embrace. She noticed Butler Ge and two maids that for some reason she felt were untrustworthy. Anna started to blush.

Butler Ge spoke, "Young Master, is there anything you need us to arrange for Young Madam?"

"No. Given there is a crisis that her special skills are needed for, she will be coming into the office with me to deal with it, meaning our plans are altered. Please have our suite cleaned, and let the chef know we will want a simple meal ready on our return. Either one of us will let you know when we are leaving the office."

As Hou Yi picked up his briefcase, Anna noticed Butler Ge nodding. Hou Yi, took Anna's hand as they walked to the elevator. Going down to the car park area Hou Yi said "I know it will be wasteful, but we will have to take 2 cars, as I do not want to tip our hand."

When they arrived, Hou Yi escorted Anna to a smaller silver vehicle and helped her into the back seat. Before letting go of her hand he lifted it up and kissed her fingers before closing the door and entering his own vehicle. Both vehicles left and headed to Hou Enterprises, Hou Yi arriving 20 minutes later, and going straight to his office.

Anna unluckily was held up by traffic lights and arrived five minutes later. She approached the reception desk, stating to the receptionist, "Hello, my name is Anna Jones, I am from ANX Lawyers in Australia, and I have an urgent appointment with Assistant Wang Long. Please advise him I have arrived. "

"Assistant Wang Long does not see anyone."

"He will. This appointment was made with him directly last night due to an emergency I need to resolve with respect to an Australian based project. "

Anna pulled out her passport but ensured the copy of her marriage certificate remained hidden, and showed the photo page stating, "This confirms my identification, now please call Assistant Wang or I will be calling my boss who will be calling the CEO, which I do think you want."

Before the receptionist could make the call, Assistant Wang exited the elevators, and walked to reception. "Ms Jones, it is good to see you again. Please follow me, and I will show you to where we have you set up to work." With that he walked back towards the elevators, and Anna followed him.