Planning Travel

Thursday, continued ...

The security guards stood there not realising that Anna was Madam Hou, simply stood there wondering who this person was to give them directions. One of the bodyguards who knew who she was, bowed slightly, and responded "Yes Madam Hou."

Immediately three security guards entered Hou YI's office and removed Supervisor An to take her to the security office to await the police. As they were leaving the Security Guards were informed by the bodyguard who spoke "Do not say to anyone who that lady is until CEO Hou authorises it. That information is to be kept quiet and protected. If you say anything it will mean your jobs."

Once Supervisor An was removed, Anna shut the door, and sat down at the desk with the documents to be dealt with together with Hou Yi. Once want was needed to be signed as signed, Anna went to the door, and handed them to Assistant Wang "Could you scan and send these as you did earlier today. Thank you."

Anna re-entered Hou Yi's office, shutting the door behind her. Hou Yi, had in the interim gotten a cold drink from a small fridge handing it to Anna as they sat down.

"So, what is going on?"

"Well, thank you for dealing with that woman."

"Once we knew about the call today, backtracking her actions and that other information you gave me, we found that she had been passing on information to Lu Corporation for about twelve months. She had to be dealt with, not left in place. Thank goodness for your sharpness to identify it."

"Not a problem. Getting rid of a spy for Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin, feels good, but we need to get rid of them all."


Hou Yi paused, and then continued "Anna, what is going on for you in Australia? Be honest with me please."

Anna took a couple of deep breaths and sat down on the couch. She motioned to Hou Yi to sit down, which he did.

"As I indicated in the chat, I can deal with part of what Lu Jinhu was bragging about, in being able to take everything from me. I found out today that he, trough forgery obtained court orders. He thought he was smart and had them sent to an address, but they were returned to the court as undeliverable. As a court clerk recognised my name it was sent to work."

"My assistant Jodie, given I am away for a few weeks more was curious about the envelope and opened it. She knew immediately that the signature was not mine. At my request she scanned and emailed me a copy of the documents. I believe I can prove the forgery and have already taken steps to have the appeal lodged."

"The lawyer in the office needs me to preliminary draft my affidavit and he will finalise everything. However, I need to go back to Australia as everything must be filed with the court by Tuesday, including the affidavit I have to sign. Can you arrange for a Commercial flight for tomorrow night, as that should have me back Sunday Morning?"

"Forget a commercial flight. I will arrange for the company plane to take us back. We cannot leave until after tomorrow night. I need to at least show my face at the formal wedding ceremony for Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin tomorrow."

"Do you want me to come?"

"And tip our hand? I do not think it is worth it. I am only staying there for the shortest time possible. Not going tells the group within society we are in that I am bitter. I do not want that to be the image. Rather than going home, I can meet you at the airport after the wedding, for as quick as possible departure."

"Yi, I better get home, as I have a lot to do, given I have to draft this damn affidavit to support the application to overturn these orders."

"Anna, rather than going, why not sit in the sitting room attached to the bedroom and work there until I finish with the meeting I have. I will arrange for some food to come up, as the meeting is likely to be a two or so hours. They you can go home with me. Does that work?"

"All I was going to do was go into the study to work, but that could work for me as well. Then I can literally fall into bed when I get home. Let me rephrase that, pack and then fall into bed."

"Anna, you do not need to pack, the staff will do that for us, so we can immediately go to bed. Settle in the sitting room, and when the food arrives here it will be brought in to you."

With that, Hou Yi, went out to Assistant Wang's desk and retrieved Anna's handbag and laptop, and took them into the sitting room, where Anna settled into to commence her work.