The Affidavit (Anna and Lu Jinhu's Relationship) - Part 1

Thursday, continued ...

Once settled in the sitting room Anna removed her laptop, turned it on and connected CEO's intranet. She then remotely logged into ANX's legal software and located the new file for her.

One week ago, she could not have imagined being in a situation where she would have to write about her relationship with Lu Jinhu, like she had done for multiple clients in the past. How quickly had things changed. The only good thing is that this is something she would not have to edit, like she did for clients. That was Alfred's job.

She opened an Affidavit template and took a few deep breaths. The only way she figured she could get through this was to treat this exactly the same as she did for client's in the past. There was a process for follow: set out personal details; the relationship information; what Lu Jinhu had done; and confirming the elements she needed to prove, i.e. that the signature on the original orders was not her signature.

[start of affidavit text]

My Name is Anna Hou. My maiden name, and the name I use professionally is Anna Jones. My date of birth is detailed on the application filed with this affidavit and I am 26 years of age. I am an Australian Legal Practitioner by occupation. I am the appellant in this application.

The respondent in this appeal is Lu Jinhu, who was born in Country X, but has recently obtained Australian Citizenship. His personal details are on the application filed with this affidavit and he is aged 28 years of age. I do not know the date he obtained such citizenship, but he advised me on the Tuesday prior to the signing of this Affidavit of this fact. I am not certain whether his obtaining of Australian Citizenship automatically cancelled his citizenship of Country X.

Lu Jinhu and I were in a de facto relationship for approximately 5 years, commencing approximately 4 months of my commencement of employment with ANX Lawyers, which as on [Note – ALFRED you need to confirm the exact date of my commencement of employment with HR to add this date]. This firm remains my current employers.

Anna's work was interrupted by a knock on the door. Hou Yi entered carrying a tray. "Anna the food I arranged for you has arrived. Please try and eat something and send me a message when you finish doing what you need to. I'll try and end the meeting as soon as I can, so we can return home." With that he put the tray down and left the room.

[returning to Anna's work typing the affidavit]

Lu Jinhu and I had become engaged to marry approximately 10 months ago. We agreed to obtain our marriage certificate in Country X, on the basis that his parents were unable to travel to Australia for a wedding. We had further agreed that there would be a formal wedding ceremony in Australia after this. On the Tuesday prior to the signing of this affidavit I found out the reason behind agreeing to a wedding ceremony in Country X was a lie. Lu Jinhu's parents frequently engage in business travel, regarding the family company Lu Corporation, while being headquartered in Country X, has projects throughout the world.

Approximately six months ago I commenced questioning my relationship with Lu Jinhu, but I had decided that as I had given my commitment to him, I would stand by my word.

However, a few days before our intended marriage date (which I further discuss in this affidavit), I knew that I would not be able to marry Lu Jinhu. I had not been able to communicate this fact to him, until just before our intended marriage time on the Tuesday before the swearing of this affidavit.

On the Tuesday before the swearing of this affidavit, I can confirm in City T, in Country X, Lu Jinhu married a Miss Yang Lin, a citizen of Country X. On the same day I married a Mr Hou Yi, also a citizen of Country X.

Upon my marriage due to the operation of the law I obtained citizenship of Country X by marriage. My Australia does not cease. If Lu Jinhu's obtaining of Australia Citizenship cancelled his citizenship of Country X, his marriage to Miss Yang would automatically mean he regained that citizenship of Country X.

Presently, I only have an Australian Passport, but I am due to the obtaining of my citizenship in Country X, in the process of obtaining a passport and other identity documents issued in that country. My address in Country X, is [Note – ALFRED I will get the correct address details to you].

I have been informed by my husband Hou Yi, that the most likely residential address for Lu Jinhu in Country X is [Note – ALFRED I will get this as well – likely given his location we may have to argue with the court for substituted service]