Another confrontation

Tuesday, continued...

About 15 minutes after they arrived Anna realised that she could hear Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin speaking, so she tapped Hou Yi on the shoulder. They both excused themselves from the conversation and moved away slightly.

Anna heard Lu Jinhu state "Hou Yi has been duped. That woman he calls a wife has lied to him. She claimed that she was abused, and that she had decided to marry him before dumping her ex. A pack of lies. She could not tell the truth if it came up and bit her. Just like any typical Australian Lawyer. No sense of treating her social superiors like she should."

The voice of an unknown person responded "How do you know?"

"I am the person that she is accusing of all these awful crimes. You all know me, there is no way that I would do such things. She could not get over that I had ended the relationship with her to marry my wife and is simply out for revenge."

The unknown voice responded, "How could someone be so duped?"