The reaction

Tuesday, continued...

The foyer area of the theatre could went deathly silent, after seeing Yang Lin slap and Lu Jinhu punch Anna. Everyone focused on the two couples to see what Hou Yi's reaction would be.

Hou Yi immediately pulled his wife to him, cradling her in his arms, whispering "I am so sorry sweetheart. I should have stopped them, but it will be alright," and wiping away Anna's tears. He knew he had failed Anna by not preventing either of Lu Jinhu or Yang Lin hurting her. He cursed himself for telling the bodyguards to wait outside not thinking that they would do something in such a public way.

Everyone looking at Hou Yi knew from look on his face he was ready to kill both of them for daring to hurt and humiliate his wife in such a public way. They observed him, wondering what revenge he would extract, and how he would protect his wife. Anna, however could not see the look in Hou Yi's eyes as she had buried her face in her husband's chest.