Thank God Tuesday's Gone - Part 4

Wednesday, continued ...

Meanwhile, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin at their home, had been up for hours. The were wishing that they could re-do the night before.

Lu Jinhu, prior to arriving had blackmailed a friend to listen to whatever he needed to say about Anna. He had no worries about the friend, and knew that whatever he said he would spread like wildfire, as he as a gossip. He also knew that he could position the discussion so people would overhear it and gossip about it.

He had not counted on Hou Yi and Anna Jones arriving early. Hou Yi detested the theatre and despite his friendship with the Chen's showed up no earlier than 10 minutes before people needed to be seated. He believed he had at least 40 minutes from their arrival to spread their version of events to destroy Anna socially and undermine Hou Yi's character therefore damaging Hou Enterprises in the one breath.