Thank God Tuesday's Gone - Part 5

Wednesday, continued ...

Before Yang Lin could think about anything else, her thoughts were interrupted by Lu Jinhu's mobile ringing.

Before she could even utter the words, who is calling, she heard Lu Jinhu, spit out "F**K"

With that he answered the call and put in on speaker as he wanted Yang Lin to be involved with the call, as it was his father.

"Hello father" Lu Jinhu answered, even to his own ears in a surprisingly calm voice.

Before another word could be uttered, an absolutely livid voice responded "Do not try and placate me son. What the f**k have you been up to."

"I do not know what you mean father," responded Lu Jinhu in a calm voice, hoping that he could calm his father down quickly.

"Do not pretend with me. You know exactly what I mean."

Yang Lin decided that she better make it known that she was there, as she knew that Lu Jinhu's father adored her "Dad, please keep it calm. I am here, and we have some news to tell you."