Wednesday's Session - Part 3

Wednesday, continue …

Anna, and Hou Yi reached over at the same time and took one of the newspapers each. Phillipa then also took a newspaper.

Anna, found on the front page of the paper she had picked up a story about the events last night.

"Listen to this. 'Last night at the charity theatre event, the heir of the Lu Corporation Lu Jinhu and his new wife, the Yang Heiress Yang Lin verbally and then physically attacked the new wife of Hou Corporation's CEO Hou Yi."

"Lu Jinhu was heard calling the new Madam Hou, the former Ms Anna Jones from Australia, a liar and a manipulator. He stated that she lied during the announcement of the new charitable initiative to be spearheaded by CEO and Madam Hou regarding domestic violence, and was trying to harm him as he had dumped her to marry Yang Lin."