Wednesday's Session - Part 4

Wednesday, continued ...

Anna paused after reading out the article. "You can see that they did this in a rush. Poorly drafted but they wanted to make a point about the behaviour last night."

"I cannot believe it was on the front page. The paper I had only had a short little piece, with the notation that more to come on their website and more than likely there will be more in their paper tomorrow" responded Phillipa.

"Same in the three paper I looked at," came Hou Yi's response. He paused "Then I am guessing the on-line world is savaging them for this."

"Could not happen to a nicer couple," came Anna's sarcastic reply. Which provoked laughter from Hou Yi and Phillipa.

When they settled down, Phillipa observed Hou YI and Anna for a few of minutes while they were finishing their brunch. They, kept stealing looks at each other, when they thought the other was not looking. As soon as they realised the other observed them watching them, they looked away.