The Police Interview - Part 1

Wednesday, continued …

Anna, stared at the police officers, and in a hard voice "I am fine to be interviewed, but I will not be interviewed until I know that this interview is being recorded, and I will be provided with a copy of that recording." Anna paused and pointed her head at the equipment "And I know that that equipment is designed to records the interview."

With that, the officer who had spoken stood up, and slapped Anna across the face. "You b**ch, you cannot dictate to us what we do."

"You have no right to hit me. All I have asked for is a reasonable particularly since the equipment is there. All I have asked if for you record the interview and provide me with a copy of that recording. That is not unreasonable in all the circumstances. I have not said that I will not cooperate with the interview." Her voice was still hard, but a real determined edge came into it. She was determined that they would not get the best of her.