The Police Interview - Part 2

Wednesday, continued...

With that Inspector Gang turned to Senior Officer Fang, and quietly asked "What was the question I had asked?"

Anna heard the quiet response "You asked her about her name, and then when she claimed she was married you stated that she was lying."

"Miss Jones, we are going to start again. What is your name?"

Anna, had to stop herself from smirking as she knew she had Inspector Gang, and Senior Officer Fang was totally disinterested in the process.

"As I was trying telling you Inspected Gang, I married a fortnight ago to Hou Yi, the CEO of Hou Enterprises. We so far have only received our marriage certificate and intend in the Australian Spring or Summer to have a formal ceremony in my home town in Australia. I therefore, other than in a work context use my married name as Anna Hou, or as it is said here Hou Anna."

"Miss Jones, I again put it to you that you are lying about your identity, you are not married."