Firing Back - Part 9

Wednesday, continued …


Yao Tan walked over to where Hou Yi was standing.

"Tan, my friend, good to see you. I need a friendly face, even though we have some business to deal with."

"Yi, you should have called. You have helped me out, I do not know how many times, and I could have been here for you."

"You have a business to run, and that has to take priority, rather than sitting here holding my hand."

"Do not try and get out of it my friend. I know you well enough to know you love your wife just by the way that you look at her and given the potential for her injuries you should have had someone you trusted with you. You should have called."

"I do not want to talk about this now. Can we deal with business firstly."

"Fine, but you will not be getting out of this."