Firing Back - Part 10

Wednesday, continued...

Yao Tan, took a close look at his friend, and realised that he was thinking about something else. "Yi, you have something else on your mind about this whole situation. Tell me, so I can see what I can do to help."

"Last night I felt so stupid that I did not do what I wanted to do, and beat Lu Jinhu up for what he did ..."

"Yi, I was there. You might not have seen me, but I absolutely saw what happened. My first reaction was that I was disappointed in you that you did not react. You, like me, were brought up to respect and protect the women in your life, and I thought that you failed your wife. I was going to call you out on that. Shortly after you left, Amanda and I left as I knew I would not be able to contain my reaction if I ran into them."