Recovery and Revenge - Part 1


When Anna awoke, Hou Yi was walking out of the en suite attached to the VIP suite, with a towel in his hand drying his hair. "Yi did you not go home last night, like I asked?"

"Anna do you believe I am going to leave you here on your own. They have given us a VIP room that has a bed I can sleep in. I am happy to be here with you, rather than at home worrying."

"Well promise me you will go into the office. You need to. The world does not stop simply because I am here."

"I will be going in for part days and spending the rest of the days with you. You need someone with you, rather than simply being stuck here on your own."

Hou Yi knew that he had the first of his meetings scheduled that would see Lu Corporation collapse, but there was no way that he was telling her anything about that until everything was completely in place in case something did not fall into place. He did not want to raise Anna's hopes of complete success until he could guarantee it.