Recovery and Revenge - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

Once Alister Nang came into the office and shut the door "Mr Nang, this if my father Hou Jang and the Vice-CEO of Hou Enterprises Ji Feng," Hou Yi said, pointing to each of them. "What do you know about what happened."

"CEO Hou based on the questioning yesterday that I sat in on, and with the additional information provided through me on your wife's behalf and the information that Officer Mu determined, all the allegations against your wife have been dismissed. The investigation confirmed that there was a conversation between Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin and Inspector Gang and Senior Officer Fang."

"What cannot be proven was whether it was one or the other or both that accepted a bribe to harass and injure Madam Hou. The police's decision is to charge Inspector Gang with assault over the injuries to Madam Hou. They will continue to investigate the suspected bribery matter, but both officers will be demoted and moved to new posts in a rural area."