Recovery and Revenge - Part 6

Thursday, continued …

Amanda and Phillipa looked at each other, but before they could say anything there was a knock on the door before 5 people in white coats entered. "Could we please have everyone leave, we need to speak to Madam Hou."

Before anything else could be said, Hou Yi interrupted "I am her husband, and unless she requests that I am not here, I am staying." Then pointing to Phillipa "This is Dr Chen, a psychologist that I have brought in to support my wife." Then pointing to Amanda "And this is Miss Mei, a Lawyer who is assisting my wife with some matters with respect to the incident yesterday." Amanda looked strangely at Hou Yi and realised that in fact he had not told a lie about her involvement with Anna, he simply omitted a few things.

"Apologies CEO Hou. In the circumstances it is OK for everyone to stay. I am Dr Lang, and I have been appointed to oversee Madam Hou's care."