Recovery and Revenge - Part 7

Thursday, continued …

"Dr Lang, I understand that you are wanting to prepare me for the worst-case scenarios, but now this is the last thing that I want to think about is this. My wife's recovery, and returning home from hospital is the priority, those are matters that we will have to face in the future, if it comes to past."

"CEO Hou, you need to be prepared. The tests to date are inconclusive, but the specialists who will come and see your wife has already indicated, of the scans and other tests remain inconclusive that there will be no option but undertake some exploratory surgery to determine what is happening."

"If, when he goes in, he finds too much damage, he will have to make quick decisions. It may be possible that eggs from your wife could be salvaged for future use. But there are a number of factors that will influence that. That is what I need you to be prepared for, because you may be left in the position to make a decision without consulting your wife."