Recovery and Revenge - Part 8

"What is so funny?" asked Hou Yi, immediately realising that given Phillipa's presence that it was the wrong question to ask.

"Well, I could say you …"

"You would not dare Pip."

"Actually, not this time. Just talking about the idiot Yang Lin. Anna is right, she has no filter when it comes to social media. She reacts without a thought."

"I am guessing she has posted something else?"

"Right Boss. She is trying to explain herself, and all she is doing is shooting herself in the foot. This is so much fun watching her self-destruct."

"It is, and how much it is going to be fun watching her next foot in mouth incident."

"Sorry to interrupt the fun ladies, however just a couple of things Anna. Dr Lang, indicated to me that they want to bring in another specialist for some reason, but I think he wants to have a word with you Phillipa …"

"I am actually going to see him when I leave here Yi"