Recovery and Revenge - Part 9

Friday, continued …

"Once I have eaten the nursing staff have indicated that they will get me up so I can bathe and be ready for that appointment. But I want you to promise me that once we are done, unless the doctors want you here, you will go into the office for the rest of the day."

"Anna, as I do not need to be in the office today …"

"Yi, I want your promise."

"If it will make you happy."

"It will." And with that Anna leaned over, and Hou Yi realised that she wanted to give him a brief kiss, so he leaned in for her to do so. Rather than letting the kiss hit is cheek, he slightly turned his head so that her lips touched his. He immediately felt a shiver go through him. He was so tempted to deepen the kiss, but gently pulled back to look at Anna in the eyes.