Court - Part 13

Friday, continued …

"Lin smart thinking. I wish I had thought of it. What made you?"

"That idiot woman got me a message three days ago, and I was wondering what I could do with the information."

"OK, let me make a call, and get everything in place."

Lu Jinhu move to a corner of the room and started making calls to contacts in City A, to manvour the release of Du XuXu, and her being sent to City T. His contacts promised that it would happen within 48 hours and told him the cost involved. He immediately transferred the funds needed from his personal account, plus a sum to allow Du XuXu money to support herself initially.

When he confirmed to Yang Lin what was in place, both recognised that the results of this were going to give them great pleasure. Reeking havoc with those two idiots. As they started to talk about other means to get at them, they heard the door opening and realised that someone was coming in so stopped.