Court - Part 14

Friday, continued …

Meanwhile, in with Lu JInhu and Yang Lin

They finally finished reading the proposal to settle the matters.

"No way are we going to be convicted on any charge. You can tell them to get stuffed on a conviction. The amounts have to be dropped down, nothing hanging over our heards and nothing to protect that woman, she does not deserve it. Go on, make that clear."

"Lin, please settle down. I can agree with my wife about the convictions. We will not agree to anything that sees a conviction recorded. Findings of guilt though are OK, as then no jail time can be imposed. As to the order of protection, let her have it for 3 months, no more. But it is also contingent on me getting the laptop today with nothing removed, those two surrendering the rings to us and there being no ban on either of us having roles in companies."

"Jinhu, that is not right. We are the victims, not her. Why are we being punished?"